Conference Presentations

  • Baltimore Center on Applied Feminism will feature US Feminist Judgments at its 2017 Conference March 30-31. Two panels Thursday evening are devoted to the project and will include all 3 USFJ editors as well as authors Cassandra Jones Havard of UBalt Law, Karen Czpanskiy of UMaryland Law School, Margaret E. Johnson, Co-Director of the Center on Applied Feminism at UBalt Law, and Valorie Vojdik of Tennessee Law School. Constitutional Law Scholar Garrett Epps of UBalt Law will provide commentary on the Project! Register for the conference here!
  • Book event and signing @ Bluestockings Bookstore in NYC on Jan. 27 at 7pm featuring Ruthann Robson of CUNY & Sandra Park of the ACLU Reproductive Rights Project.
  • Book event and signing @ the NYU Bookstore on Dec. 6 at 6pm featuring Ruthann Robson, Carlos Ball, Cynthia Godsoe and Michelle Simon!
  • U.S. Feminist Judgments: Rewriting the Law, Writing the Future: October 20-21, 2016 at the Center for Constitutional Law  at The University of Akron School of Law in Akron, Ohio. CFP here and conference website here. Conference Program now up here!
  • Applied Legal Storytelling Seattle July 21-23 2015: Conference Presentation with Linda Berger and a number of authors and commentators from the U.S. Project. Location and time: Seattle University Law School, Thursday July 23 at 10:50am!
  • Law and Society Seattle May 27-31 2015: Our Round Table will be on Friday, 5/29 at 3:30 PM  – 5:15 PM at the Westin in Breakout Room 17. Our Round Table will be Chaired by Rosemary Hunter and Erika Rackely, and will include Kathy Stanchi, Lucinda Finley (rewriting Geduldig v. Aiello); Phyllis Goldfarb (rewriting Bradwell v. Illinois); Leslie Griffin (rewriting Harris v. McCrae); Teri McMurtry Chubb (rewriting Loving v. Virginia); Valorie Vojdik (rewriting U.S. v. Virginia); Isabel Medina (rewriting Castle Rock v. Gonzales); Ann McGinley (rewrite of Oncale v. Sundowner); Margaret Johnson (commentary on Oncale); Inga Laurent (commentary on Loving).
  • Delaware Valley Feminist Law Professors Conference, March 21, 9:30am, at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, 3501 Sansom Street. No conference fee. Approved for 6 Credits of CLE! Join Kathy Stanchi, Dara Purvis (rewriting Frontiero), Deborah Gordon (commentary on Johnson v. Transp. Sys.), Rachel Rebouche (commentary on Roe).