Book Reviews

Read Andrea McArdle's wonderful review of Feminist Judgments in which she shares some teaching tips for the book here!

Check out the new symposium issue of the Notre Dame Online Law Review devoted to Feminist Judgments!

Read the very first review of Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court by Professor Elisabeth McDonald of Canterbury University in New Zealand! Available in the New Zealand Universities Law Review. Dec. 2016, Vol. 27 Issue 2, pp. 494-499.

Another review by Trish Luker of University of Technology Sydney (Australia), available in the Law & Society Review, Volume 51, Issue 4, pages 1008-1011, December 2017.

Another review by Sandra VanBurkleo of Wayne State, available in the Women's Review of Books, Vol. 34, No. 6, November/December 2017, pp. 26-27.

A review by Kate Webber Nunez of Nova Southeastern University, available in the British Journal of American Legal Studies (Vol. 9 2020 Forthcoming).

The very first review of one of our series volumes by Alice Pirlot, Research Fellow at the Center for Business Taxation, Said Business School, University of Oxford. The review is available at 46 Intertax vo. 6-7 (2018 Kluwer Law). Professor Pirlot writes: "This book is special because it ... draws attention to the social preconceptions and power relations that can characterize tax laws and their interpretation. Consequently, it stimulates the reader to openly recognize the political character of tax law and to think about the role of a feminist approach in legal reasoning and judicial decision-making involving tax matters."