Media Coverage of The Project

  • Some nice media coverage in the Temple Esq. Alumni Magazine here!
  • The introduction and table of contents of Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court is now available on SSRN here!
  • Read about us here on the SCOTUS blog!
  • And here in the ABA Journal!
  • And here in Mother Jones!
  • We were also featured in Time Magazine's special issue on the Supreme Court

"Feminist Judgments puts a new spin on famous Supreme Court cases."
-Mother Jones, 2015 (read the whole article here)

"Alternative history was once the stuff of novels and films. Now Feminist Judgments is poised to pioneer a new kind of academic discourse, in which the power of the imagination is committed to a much more productive purpose-harnessing the legal process to remedy centuries of bias, exclusion and injustice."
Time Magazine, Sidebar "What If Women Had Always Served on the U.S. Supreme Court" (2015).