Free Legal Education
Working with Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada and Nevada Legal Services, teams of law students, under the supervision of an attorney, provide free legal education on relevant legal issues by preparing and conducting weekly classes for the public.
Class Offerings
The Bankruptcy Class helps individuals explore whether bankruptcy is right for their financial crisis or if there is a less drastic alternative through credit counseling. Participants of the class learn the difference between a Chapter 7 and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and the benefits/risks of each. Are your debts dischargeable? What personal property can you keep if you file a bankruptcy Petition? This class provides a general overview of Bankruptcy law and sample forms.
Bankruptcy Class- For more information and access to class resources
Bankruptcy Class Schedule- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
Meeting ID- 953 9315 9509
A collaborative effort between the Boyd School of Law and Nevada Legal Services, the Record Sealing Class offers guidance for those seeking to seal their criminal records.
Criminal Record Sealing Class- For more information and access to class resources
Criminal Record Sealing Schedule- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
If you would like to attend this class, registration is required; call 702-386-0404.
The Divorce Class is designed to assist persons in understanding basic legal forms and the family court process. Attendees will learn about joint petitions, the proper way to complete an individual or joint petition and the process for filing forms, as well as the mediation process.
Divorce Class- For more information and access to class resources
Divorce Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
The Eviction Sealing Clinic helps individuals determine eligibility to seal eviction records, the court process, how to complete a Motion to Seal an Eviction Record, and more.
Eviction Sealing Clinic- For more information and access to class resources
Eviction Sealing Clinic Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
The Guardianship Class is designed to assist persons with establishing a new guardianship. Covered topics include, qualifications to serve as a guardian, courtroom protocol, obtaining a hearing date and completing the Petition, Order to Issue Citations, and Citations to Appear and Show Cause. Contested Termination of Guardianship is not covered in this class.
Guardianship Class- For more information and access to class resources
Guardianship Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
Meeting ID- 961 9013 0828
In Debt? Your Income May Be Protected (previously known as the "Collection Proof class") covers general legal information, the types of income and assets that are considered judgment proof or collection proof, your legal options, and steps you can take to prevent harassing debt collection tactics.
In Debt? Your Income May Be Protected Class- For more information and access to class resources
In Debt? Your Income May Be Protected Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
The Litigation & Trial Preparation Class is for litigants who will represent themselves in family law matters in Clark County, NV. The class covers what you need to know from the beginning stages of a case through the trial itself, and general courtroom expectations.
Litigation & Trial Preparation Class- For more information and access to class resources
Litigation & Trial Preparation Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
The Paternity/Custody Class is open to individuals who have paternity and custody problems and who are NOT married to the other parent. Information will include matters regarding custody, child support, visitation, and relocation to another state.
Paternity/Custody Class- For more information and access to class resources
Paternity/Custody Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
Meeting ID- 926 2394 2549
The Small Claims Class is open to individuals (not businesses) with a small claims court dispute. The class is an overview of the small claims court procedure, including information on how to send a demand letter, file and serve documents, tips on how to represent yourself, and execution upon the judgment.
Small Claims Class- For more information and access to class resources
Small Claims Class Calendar- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
Meeting ID- 915 6931 5869
The Tenants' Rights Class will cover everything tenants need to know to protect their rights and property. Attendees will learn what landlords are required to do to provide habitable conditions and essential services in a rental property. Attendees will also learn what is and is not allowable to include in lease agreements. Other topics will include the landlord's right to enter and more.
Tenants' Rights Class- For more information and access to class resources
Tenants' Rights Class Schedule- For class schedule and registration information
Meeting Information
Meeting ID- 988 2410 3308
More Resources
SNAP- Apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Three Square- Food distribution sites for students, citizens, and seniors
HELP of Southern Nevada - Offers a wide network of community programs and resources
The UNLV Immigration Clinic offers FREE consultations and legal services to UNLV students, staff, and their families. Fill out our Intake Form to request help.
Asistencia legal en español
La clases de divorcio y custodia proporciona una guía básica sobre los procedimientos de la corte familiar. Los participantes obtienen información sobre como navegar su caso de divorcio o custodia, cubriendo temas relacionados con asuntos de propiedad, deudas, y la manutención de niños.
Clase de divorcio y custodia- Para obtener más información y materiales adicionales del curso
El horario de la clase de divorcio y custodia- Próximas fechas y información para inscribirse
La clínica de formularios de derecho familiar ofrece asistencia para completar formularios de derecho familiar.
Clínica de formularios de derecho familiar- Para obtener más información y materiales adicionales del curso
El horario de la clínica de formularios de derecho familiar- Próximas fechas y información para inscribirse
La Clínica de Inmigración de UNLV ofrece consultas y servicios legales gratuitos a estudiantes, empleados, y familiares de la comunidad universitaria.
Complete nuestro Formulario de admisión para solicitar una consulta.