Potential external scholarships for current and incoming students have been linked below. We will update these resources as we become aware of new opportunities so check back periodically. These links are being provided to students as a convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the law school. The law school bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site. Contact the external site for answers to questions about their scholarships.
The AccessLex Databank has hundreds of scholarships that offer millions of dollars annually.
- ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship (http://www.ambar.org/ABALOS)
- Andrew Flusche Attorney at Law Scholarship (https://www.andrewflusche.com/law-scholarship-contest/)
- BOLD.org (https://bold.org/scholarships/by-major/law-school-scholarships/)
- Cali Lemon Lawyers Scholarship (https://www.calilemonlawyers.com/scholarship/)
- California Workers Compensation Lawyers (https://workerscompensationattorneyorangecounty.com/california-workers-…)
- Dominguez Firm Legal Scholarship Award (https://dominguezfirm.com/scholarships/)
- Donald W. Banner Diversity Scholarship for Law Students (https://bannerwitcoff.com/about-us/diversity/)
- DRI Law Student Diversity Scholarship (https://www.dri.org/foundation/diversity-scholarship)
- Ebert Law Firm Scholarship (https://eberstlaw.com/scholarship/)
- Hayes Wakayama Law Scholarship (https://hwlawnv.com/hayes-wakayama-law-scholarship/)
- Las Vegas Chapter of the National Bar Association (https://www.lasvegasnba.org/scholarships)
- Lemon Law Now Scholarship (https://lemonlawnow.com/scholarship-application/)
- LGBT Public Interest Scholarship (https://www.americanbar.org/groups/diversity/sexual_orientation/SOGI/)
- LV Criminal Defense (https://www.lvcriminaldefense.com/scholarship/)
- LV Focus Group (https://lvfocusgroups.com/scholarship/)
- Minority Corporate Counsel Association's Lloyd M. Johnson Scholarship (https://www.mcca.com/pipeline/scholarship-program/)
- Nava Law Group, P.C. (https://www.navalawgroup.com/scholarship-application/)
- Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship (https://www.phikappaphi.org/grants-awards/fellowship#.YBreppNKh-W)
- San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Scholarship (https://law.unlv.edu/indian-nations-gaming-and-governance-program/san-m…) (Internal scholarship funded by a gift from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians)
- Snell & Wilmer FAR (Fellowship for Advancement and Resources) (https://www.swlaw.com/diversity-equity-inclusion/far)
- U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association Carole Bailey Scholarship (http://cfcbar.org/carole-bailey-scholarship)
- Wooldridge Law Injury Lawyers Scholarship (https://getthewin.com/scholarship/)