Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Fall '24 Graduation Applications due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, August 2 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, August 23 |
Instruction and late registration begin; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Monday, August 26 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit | Friday, August 30 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Friday, August 30 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund; no refunds after this date except total withdrawal from all courses | Friday, August 30 |
Labor Day Recess | Monday, September 2 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Fall '24 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, September 13 |
Final date to withdraw from all courses and receive a 50% refund | Friday, October 4 |
Nevada Day Recess | Friday, October 25 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, November 1 |
Veteran's Day Recess | Monday, November 11 |
Classes will run on a MONDAY schedule | Tuesday, November 26 |
Classes will run on a FRIDAY schedule | Wednesday, November 27 |
Final day of instruction | Wednesday, November 27 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Wednesday, November 27 |
Thanksgiving Recess | Thursday & Friday, November 28 & 29 |
Reading period begins | Saturday, November 30 |
Final examinations | Wednesday, December 4 to Tuesday, December 17 |
Law School Fall graduation celebration | Tuesday, December 17 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Spring '25 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | Wednesday, January 8 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, January 17 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Recess | Monday, January 20 |
Instruction and late registration begin; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Tuesday, January 21 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit | Monday, January 27 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 27 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund; no refunds after this date except total withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 27 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Spring '25 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, February 7 |
President's Day Recess | Monday, February 17 |
Final date to withdraw from all courses and receive a 50% refund | Friday, February 28 |
Spring Break Recess | Monday, March 17 to Friday, March 21 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, April 4 |
Classes will run on a MONDAY schedule | Tuesday, April 29 |
Final day of instruction | Tuesday, April 29 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Tuesday, April 29 |
Reading period begins | Wednesday, April 30 |
Final examinations | Monday, May 5 to Saturday, May 17 |
Law School Commencement | Thursday, May 15 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Summer '25 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, May 9 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, May 23 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund | Friday, May 23 |
Memorial Day Recess | Monday, May 26 |
Instruction begins; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Tuesday, May 27 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit, or pay fees | Thursday, May 29 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Thursday, May 29 |
Final date to drop and receive a 50% refund | Friday, June 6 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Summer ‘25 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, June 13 |
Juneteenth Recess | Thursday, June 19 |
Independence Day Recess | Friday, July 4 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, July 4 |
Final day of instruction for M,W classes | Monday, July 21 |
Final day of instruction for T,Th classes | Tuesday, July 22 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Tuesday, July 22 |
Reading period begins | Wednesday, July 23 |
Final examinations | Monday, July 28 to Thursday, July 31 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Fall '25 Graduation Applications due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, August 1 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, August 22 |
Instruction and late registration begin; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Monday, August 25 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit | Friday, August 29 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Friday, August 29 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund; no refunds after this date except total withdrawal from all courses | Friday, August 29 |
Labor Day Recess | Monday, September 1 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Fall '25 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, September 12 |
Final date to withdraw from all courses and receive a 50% refund | Friday, October 3 |
Nevada Day Recess | Friday, October 31 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, October 31 |
Veteran's Day Recess | Tuesday, November 11 |
Classes will run on a FRIDAY schedule | Wednesday, November 26 |
Final day of instruction | Wednesday, November 26 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Wednesday, November 26 |
Thanksgiving Recess | Thursday & Friday, November 27 & 28 |
Reading period begins | Friday, November 28 |
Final examinations | Wednesday, December 3 to Tuesday, December 16 |
Law School Fall graduation celebration | TBD |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Spring '26 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, December 29 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, January 16 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Recess | Monday, January 19 |
Instruction and late registration begin; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Tuesday, January 20 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit | Monday, January 26 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 26 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund; no refunds after this date except total withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 26 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Spring '26 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, February 6 |
President's Day Recess | Monday, February 16 |
Final date to withdraw from all courses and receive a 50% refund | Friday, February 27 |
Spring Break Recess | Monday, March 16 to Friday, March 20 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, April 3 |
Classes will run on a MONDAY schedule | Tuesday, April 28 |
Final day of instruction | Tuesday, April 28 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Tuesday, April 28 |
Reading period begins | Wednesday, April 29 |
Final examinations | Monday, May 4 to Saturday, May 16 |
Law School Commencement | TBD |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Summer '26 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, May 8 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, May 22 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund | Friday, May 22 |
Memorial Day Recess | Monday, May 25 |
Instruction begins; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Tuesday, May 26 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit, or pay fees | Thursday, May 28 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Thursday, May 28 |
Final date to drop and receive a 50% refund | Friday, June 5 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Summer ‘26 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, June 12 |
Juneteenth Recess | Friday, June 19 |
Independence Day Recess | Friday, July 3 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, July 3 |
Final day of instruction for T,Th classes | Thursday, July 16 |
Final day of instruction for M,W classes | Monday, July 20 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Monday, July 20 |
Reading period begins | Tuesday, July 21 |
Final examinations | Monday, July 27 to Thursday, July 30 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Past Academic Calendars
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Summer '24 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | May 10 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | May 24 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund | May 24 |
Memorial Day Recess | May 27 |
Instruction begins; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | May 28 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit, or pay fees | May 30 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | May 30 |
Final date to drop and receive a 50% refund | June 7 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Summer‘24 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | June 14 |
Juneteenth Recess | June 19 |
Independence Day Recess | July 4 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | July 5 |
Final day of instruction for T,Th classes | July 23 |
Final day of instruction for M,W classes | July 24 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | July 24 |
Reading period begins | July 25 |
Final examinations | July 29 to August 1 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |
Semester Milestones | Milestone Date |
Applications for Spring '24 graduation due to BSL Registrar's Office | Friday, December 29, 2023 |
Final date to pay fees without additional late fee penalty; payments must be PROCESSED by this date to avoid late fees | Friday, January 12 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day recess | Monday, January 15 |
Instruction and late registration begin; late fees charged to student accounts with unpaid balances | Tuesday, January 16 |
Final date to late register, add courses, change courses, or change from credit to audit | Monday, January 22 |
Final date to pay fees with a late penalty; failure to pay will constitute withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 22 |
Final date to drop and receive a 100% refund; no refunds after this date except total withdrawal from all courses | Monday, January 22 |
Final date to pay diploma fee for Spring '24 graduation to the UNLV Cashiering & Student Accounts | Friday, February 9 |
President's Day recess | Monday, February 19 |
Final date to withdraw from all courses and receive a 50% refund | Friday, February 23 |
Spring recess | Monday to Friday, March 11 to 15 |
Final date to withdraw from courses | Friday, March 29 |
Classes will run on a MONDAY schedule | Tuesday, April 23 |
Final day of instruction | Tuesday, April 23 |
Final date to submit your request or amend your request for an S/U Grading Option | Tuesday, April 23 |
Reading period begins | Wednesday, April 24 |
Final examinations | Monday, April 29 to Saturday, May 11 |
Law School Commencement at Artemus Ham Hall, 10:00 a.m. | Friday, May 10 |
NOTE: Students must follow these deadlines. University deadlines may be different from law school deadlines. |