LAW 604 - 3 credits
Examines the legal structure of federal and state government agencies, how they may be structured under the Constitution, how they issue and enforce regulations, and how they make decisions.

LAW 718 - 3 credits
This course will involve analysis and writing about complex legal problems and writing documents that would be submitted to a court or quasi-judicial decision-maker. The emphasis of the course and the types of assignments will vary depending on the professor who is teaching each semester. This course satisfies the 3rd semester Lawyering Process requirement. Prerequisites: Law 505 Lawyering Process I & Law 515 Lawyering Process II.

LAW 783 - 1-3 credits
This course offers clinical opportunity for students who have completed an in-house clinic to pursue advanced projects or continue client representation in an ongoing matter. Students may earn 1 to 3 credits based on hours of legal work anticipated: 45 hours for one credit,90 hours for two credits, 135 hours for three credits. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 credits and faculty permission.

LAW 733 - 2-3 credits
This course covers advanced topics in copyright, trademark and unfair competition law, trade secrets, and patent law. Exact topics will depend on students' backgrounds and interests, as well as recent legal developments. Each student will write an individual research paper on a topic selected in consultation with the instructor. Prerequisite: Law 621 Patents Trademarks and Trade Secrets OR Law 629 Copyright

LAW 610 - 3 credits
This course involves analysis and writing about complex legal problems, interpretation of various authorities and use of various forms of legal reasoning, types of argument, and techniques for clean and effective writing. The emphasis of the course and the types of assignment will vary depending on the professor who is teaching each semester. This course satisfies the 3rd semester Lawyering Process requirement.
Prerequisites: Law 505 Lawyering Process I & Law 515 Lawyering Process II.

LAW 729 - 2-3 credits
The goal of Advanced Legal Research is to expand the research skills that have been introduced in Lawyering Process I as well as introduce new topics. Practitioner-oriented materials and their use are a focus of the class. In addition, research in specific subject areas also are explored.

LAW 679 - 1 credit
This course is designed to help students become more effective legal writers by providing opportunities for them to respond to others' writing and to receive feedback on their own writing through peer reviews of group members' work. Students will also read and analyze examples of strong writing and weak writing and work on selected technical and advanced writing techniques.

LAW 602 - 3 credits
Examination of major issues in American legal history such as the role of lawyers in society, the role of law in developing the economy, and the development of American legal institutions.

LAW 657 - 1-3 credits
This course covers the role of antitrust law in today's technological environment and the basic legal framework for regulating conduct to undermine competitive markets. Topics include antitrust regulation of horizontal agreements between competitors to restrain trade, such as price-fixing, output restrictions, boycotts and mergers; vertical agreements between suppliers and purchasers such as distributional restraints, exclusive dealing and tying; and unilateral conduct, such as monopolization and attempted monopolization.

Law 779 - 1-6 credits
Students will represent clients on appeal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, or the Nevada Supreme Court. These appeals may include direct criminal appeals or civil appeals. Students will develop expertise in appellate counseling, strategy, legal research, storytelling, and oral and written advocacy.

LAW 605 - 3 credits
This course will review the basic elements of business and consumer bankruptcy under federal bankruptcy statutes. Emphasis will be placed on problem solving and ethical issues.

LAW 728 - 2-3 credits
Seminar explores law and policy relating to bioethical issues. Coverage of issues varies somewhat based on current events and student interest. Topics may include abortion, genetic screening, defining death, the "right to die," and research involving human subjects.

LAW 626 - 3-4 credits
This course covers the basic principles of law applicable to agency relationships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations. Business Organizations serves as the law school's introduction not only to business law but also to business generally, and some attention will be given to introducing basic business concepts and financial theory. In Business Organizations, students study the Restatement (Second) of Agency, the Restatement (Third) of Agency, the Uniform Partnership Act, the Revised Uniform Partnership Act, the Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, Delaware General Corporate Law, and the Revised Model Business Corporations Act.

LAW 739 - 3-4 credits
Community Law courses offer unique educational opportunities in which students learn about a substantive area of law through both classroom study and structured experiences working with community partners or organizations that need legal information, education or other services. Students apply and put into practice what they learn about the law by working with community partners to help resolve their legal problems. Students will also develop their awareness of ethical issues and have opportunities to reflect on and practice responsibilities of legal professionals and to increase their awareness of the social and cultural contexts of legal institutions and services and of the value and many opportunities for civic engagement.

LAW 777 - 1-2 credits
The Community Law Practicum (CLP) is a "companion course" that provides students the opportunity to add a practical application component to a doctrinal course. The CLP will involve work on an investigative or litigation project, undertaken in collaboration with community partners selected or approved by the professor teaching the doctrinal course.

LAW 630 - 1-3 credits
This course examines the law dealing with the classification, management and distribution of marital property within the community property jurisdictions of the United States.

LAW 635 - 3 credits
This course covers problems that arise when transactions, relationships or events involve more than one jurisdiction; it discusses matters of choice of law, jurisdiction, and recognition and enforcement of judgments in both interstate and international contexts. The course surveys the challenges that online activities present in conflict of laws and looks at conflicts in certain selected areas, such as intellectual property and class action litigation.

LAW 750 - 7 credits
Externs learn about the federal legislative process and the work of an elected official by working in the offices of members of Nevada's Congressional delegation either in Las Vegas or in Washington, D.C. Special application required Prerequisite: Completion of all first year courses.

LAW 629 - 3 credits
This course covers the fundamental principles and public policy questions of federal copyright law. This course is a prerequisite to LAW 641 Entertainment Law.

LAW 681 - 2-5 credits
This course will explore the relationship between race and the law from the perspective of Critical Race Theory (CRT). It covers the origins of the literature and contrasts CRT with other frameworks. The course also covers major theoretical themes as well as questions and criticisms raised about CRT.

LAW 721 - 3 credits
An in-depth exploration of some of the evidentiary issues that come into play in criminal trials with an emphasis on scientific evidence and the use of expert witnesses in trial.
Prerequisites: LAW 606 Evidence and LAW 616 Criminal Law.

LAW 664 - 3 credits
Covers law and practices after a defendant is charged until final disposition. Includes prosecutorial discretion, bail, plea bargaining, right to counsel, grand jury, discovery, jury selection, speedy trial, self-incrimination, confrontation, prosecutorial misconduct, double jeopardy, adequacy of counsel and sentencing. Law 653, Criminal Procedure - Investigation (formerly Criminal Procedure I) is NOT a prerequisite for this course. The topics addressed in this course are tested on the bar exam. Constitutional Law II is a good pre- or co-requisite, but is neither required not necessary to benefit from this course. Law 653 Criminal Procedure - Investigations is NOT a prerequisite for this course.

LAW 653 - 3 credits
This course covers the laws regulating the daily interactions of law enforcement agents with the public, namely the laws of search and seizure, arrests, confessions and interrogation. This course will introduce the majority and minority rules on the laws regulating law enforcement practices in the United States and acquaint you with the procedural variety of this area of law. In addition, this course will discuss the major policies behind the law and encourage you to consider interactions among multiple institutions at the state and federal level. Finally, this course will touch on current issues of enormous importance to law enforcement, such as drugs, race, national security, and technology. This course will not cover the rights of persons charged with crimes in criminal trials. This course is NOT a prerequisite for Law 664 Criminal Procedure - Adjudication.

LAW 646 - 3 credits
The Internet has shaped communications, trade, development, education, and many other aspects of human life, and it has generated complex legal questions. Given the pervasiveness of the Internet in the economy, in society, and in politics, lawyers must be familiar with basic Internet technology and vested in Internet-related legal issues. This course discusses the spectrum of these issues, including, for example, network neutrality regulation, antitrust regulation of Internet service providers, personal and regulatory jurisdiction on the Internet, the legal issues of geolocation and geoblocking, privacy and personal data protection, domain name registration and disputes, intellectual property rights enforcement, and online contract formation and enforcement.

LAW 782 - 0-3 credit
This course enables students to do clinical legal work under the supervision of law school faculty, and to be certified to engage in limited practice as a student attorney under applicable rules. Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credits and faculty permission

LAW 780 - 1 credit
Students earn credit for completing readings under the supervision and approval of a faculty member.

LAW 781 - 1-3 credits
Students research and write about a legal topic of their choice under the guidance and supervision of a faculty member who has approved their choice of topic. Students further their knowledge of the area, as well as their legal research and writing skills.

LAW 617 - 3 credits
This course examines the law of disability discrimination, focusing on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other federal and state statutes, case law, and regulations governing the civil rights of persons with disabilities with respect to education, employment, public accommodations, and housing.

Law 666 - 3 credits
This course examines violence against women and others in intimate relationships and the ways in which the law impacts and is impacted by domestic violence. Explores the history and social context of domestic violence and the dynamics and dimensions of abusive relationships.

LAW 723 - 3 credits
Application of economic analysis to the topics confronted in litigation. Topics include: microeconomic theory, property rights, contracts, torts, discrimination, eminent domain, copyrights, patents, antitrust and criminal law. Prerequisites: ECO 302 or MBA 710, or consent of instructor

LAW 769 - 3 credits
Students will represent children and their adult educational decision makers in educational matters in administrative foray including informal and formal hearings within the Clark County and State of Nevada school systems and possibly in state and federal court. Students, teamed with professionals from other disciplines including education, social work and psychology, will also work on educational policy and advocacy.

LAW 683 - 2-3 credits
This course will review the pros and cons of major issues in education reform, such as closing the achievement gap, evaluation of teachers and principals, public school financing, charter schools, disproportionality in school discipline, supplemental support for kids who live in poverty and English language learners.

LAW 618 - 3 credits
This course examines the law of employment discrimination, focusing on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and other federal and state statutes, case law, and regulations protecting the civil rights of employees and job applicants.

LAW 619 - 3 credits
This course surveys the law of employment relations focusing on common law exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine through public policy, individual contracts, handbooks, and tort doctrine. The course examines just cause provisions of the Model Termination Act, analyzes common law and statutory protections afforded to employee speech and employee privacy, and examines federal wages and hours legislation.

LAW 641 - 3 credits
This course surveys a wide range of legal issues pertinent to live and recorded entertainment, including intellectual property rights, contract formation and breach, regulatory schemes, labor issues, and First Amendment considerations. Prerequisite: LAW 629 Intellectual Property II.

LAW 651 - 3 credits
This course provides an overview of the law and policy of environmental quality and pollution control. The course addresses the origins and development of modern statutory environmental law as it relates to the various media: air, water and soil.

LAW 606 - 3 credits
This course focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence and the issues that arise out of their use and provides an understanding of the rules including both their theoretical basis and how they function in the courtroom. This course addresses preparation and presentation of various kinds of evidence, including proof of writings, qualifications and examination of witnesses, privilege, opinion testimony, demonstrative, experimental, scientific evidence, determination of relevancy, and application of the hearsay rule.

LAW 770 - 6 credits
(Special application required)
Students enrolled in the Family Justice Clinic represent clients in family court cases including custody/visitation, adoption, guardianships, and other family matters. Cases may involve contested trials, negotiations, administrative advocacy, and work on cutting edge legal and policy issues. This clinic explores the role of families in society, the strengths and weaknesses of state intervention into families, and the meaning of access to justice for children and parents. Students participate in a twice-weekly seminar and are expected to devote an average of three hours per credit hour each week to clinic activity.

LAW 607 - 3 credits
Basic family law course which covers the legal construction of the family, the relationship between the state and the family, marriage, divorce, custody, and adoption.

LAW 634 - 3 credits
This course examines federal jurisdiction and the law of federal-state relations. Specific topics covered are the federal judicial powers, congressional allocation of jurisdiction, choice of law, district court jurisdiction, appellate review, civil judicial reform, 42 USC Section 1983, Implied Right of Action, 11th Amendment, and federal habeas corpus.

LAW 603 - 3 credits
Overview of the code provisions governing the taxation of individual income and the basic concepts and legal doctrines which courts employ in implementing those provisions.

LAW 625 - 3 credits
This course provides an overview of the law governing the relationship between Indian nations and the federal government. It covers jurisdictional conflicts among sovereign governments that define the field; the bases of tribal sovereignty; the structure and history of the federal-tribal relationship; and the unique principles governing Indian Law cases.

LAW 659- 2-3 credits
Explores in depth critical First Amendment Freedoms Freedom of Expression and Association, Freedom of Press and Media, and Freedom of Religion. Prerequisites: Law 517

LAW 622 - 3 credits
A study of the law relating to gaming activities with an emphasis on the laws, policies, and procedures that have developed through court decisions and the regulatory activities of administrative agencies.

LAW 761 - 1-3 credits
Academic credit for successful completion of work by a member of the Gaming Law Journal. Notes: May be repeated to maximum of 6 credits. Grading: S/F grading only. Prerequisites: Graduate standing

LAW 725 - 1-3 credits
Students study gaming law policy and sophisticated legal issues surrounding gaming law and regulation, primarily through case studies. Focus is on legislation and administrative action as well as litigation.
Prerequisite: LAW 622 Gaming Law.

LAW 773 - 4-7 credits
Students who participate in this externship learn about the work of lawyers in various government and public interest law offices. Prerequisite: For most placements, completion of 45 credits, including Law 613 Professional Responsibility. Many placements also require that students have taken Evidence and prefer that students have taken Criminal Procedure-Investigation. Special application required.

Law 648 - 3 credits
This course explores ways in which the law promotes the quality of health care through licensing, certification, and accreditation of health care professionals and institutions and also addresses liability issues in the health care context.

Law 665 - 3 credits
This course explores laws and legal issues relating to the organization and operation of health care enterprises and the financing of health care services. Prior or concurrent enrollment in LAW 626 desirable but not required.

Law 684 - 3 credits
The objectives of this course include learning how to identify, understand, and/or apply, as appropriate, the individuals and entities that fall within the HIPAA Privacy Rule's definition of covered entities; the definition of protected health information; methods for de-identifying health information.

LAW 775 - 1-6 credits
Under direct supervision of the professor, students represent clients in judicial and administrative proceedings involving immigration and related and naturalization law, lawyering and professionalism. Students must be eligible to represent clients under the applicable student practice rules.
Prerequisite: LAW 658 Immigration Law.

LAW 658 - 3 credits
This course covers legal issues and policies pertaining to non-citizens of the United States, including the regulation of admission, exclusion, and deportation of immigrants seeking to enter the United States. The course will also examine the rights of non-citizens who are in U.S. territory in the areas of health, education, and labor. These topics will be covered from various perspectives, including constitutional law, international human rights, comparative law, ethics and morality, and history.

LAW 608 - 3 credits
Overview of the theory and operation of insurance, including the marketing, underwriting, and claims processes. The major forms of insurance will be surveyed while the primary focus will be on issues of insurance policy construction and judicial resolution of recurring coverage issues.

LAW 676 - 3 credits
Covers the fundamentals of intellectual property licensing agreements with emphasis on drafting techniques for licenses involving patents, copyrights, trademarks, databases, and/ or trade secrets. This course satisfies the third semester Lawyering Process requirement. Prerequisites: LAW 505 Lawyering Process I and LAW 515 Lawyering Process II, and either LAW 621 Patents, Trademarks, & Trade Secrets or LAW 629 Copyright.

LAW 672 - 3 credits
The course explores a wide range of legal problems involving international trade, licensing, and investment issues.

LAW 722 - 2 credits
The general purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the fundamentals of international commercial arbitration. The course covers aspects of commercial arbitration such as: introduction and overview, drafting an effective international arbitration clause, the selection of arbitrators, and their role, the proceedings before the arbitrators and enforcement and challenge of arbitral awards.

LAW 727 - 2-3 credits
This seminar studies the norms, procedures, and actors of international human rights, and emphasizes the role of the United States in international human rights and the significance of international human rights in U.S. domestic law.

LAW 680 - 3 credits
This course covers the principles, treaties and mechanisms that regulate intellectual property at the international level (particularly copyright, patents, trademarks and internet domain names) and surveys the differences in the intellectual property laws of various countries.
This course is one of the courses that qualifies as a prerequisite for the Advanced Intellectual Property Seminar.

LAW 751 - 4-7 credits
Externs explore the work of trial and appellate courts and administrative hearing offices by working in judicial chambers in federal and state courts and state agencies. Special application required.
Prerequisite: Completion of all first year courses.

LAW 671 - 3 credits
Introduction to style and form of judicial writing. Researching and writing on problems typically handled by trial or appellate courts. Exploration of the roles of courts in America's law and society, the internal workings of courts, and the roles and ethical obligations of various court staff.
Prerequisite: LAW 505, LAW 515; majors only; consent of instructor.

LAW 640 - 3 credits
This course will explore the employer/employee/union relationship, its historical and economic developments, and its modern statutory framework.

LAW 685 - 2-3 credits
This course will focus on the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment.

LAW 760 - 1-3 credits
Academic credit for successful completion of work by a member of the Nevada Law Journal.

LAW 724 - 1-3 credits
Study how to maintain law practice for clients, including not only law office management but also issues of handling client funds, legal ethics, and economics of successful law practice.:

LAW 669 - 3 credits
Students will draft legal documents such as contracts, leases, will, by-laws, and employment agreements and learn the importance of determining the client's objectives, researching the relevant law, organizing the document effectively, and drafting with accuracy, clarity, brevity, and appropriate tone. The emphasis of the course and the types of assignments will vary depending on the professor who is teaching each semester. This course satisfies the 3rd semester Lawyering Process requirement.
Prerequisites: Law 505 Lawyering Process I & Law 515 Lawyering Process II.

LAW 643 - 3 credits
This course will explore some of the various procedural, constitutional, and jurisprudential issues raised by a study of the unique role that the state and federal legislatures play in our constitutional order.

LAW 752 - 7-12 credits
Students learn about the state legislative process by working in offices of various participants - the Legislative Counsel Bureau, lobbying or government affairs organizations, and the offices of individual or groups of legislators. Students enrolled in this course are required to be in Carson City during the legislative session and are eligible for stipends to reimburse them for expenses related to their participation in the externship. Special application required.
Prerequisite: Completion of all first-year courses; Law 643 Legislation and Statutory Interpretation, or permission of instructor.

LAW 715 - 6 credits
Students will study theories of conflict, negotiation and mediation. They will be exposed to many different models of mediation and learn to choose the interventions and techniques appropriate for different settings. Students receive practical and theoretical training in mediation theory and apply what they learn by mediating live cases in their weekly 4-hour placement in a variety of community venues.

Law 772 - 6 credits
Students will study theories of conflict, negotiation and mediation. They will be exposed to many different models of mediation and learn to choose the interventions and techniques appropriate for different settings. Students receive practical and theoretical training in mediation theory and apply what they learn by mediating live cases in their weekly 4-hour placement in a variety of community venues.

LAW 719 - 3 credits
This course examines the theory, practice, and public policy of negotiation. Focusing particularly on issues of relevance to attorneys representing clients in negotiation, the course includes numerous simulations.

LAW 621 - 3 credits
This course explores federal and state laws pertaining to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, unfair competition, "cyber squatting," and idea protection.

LAW 627 - 3 credits
A hands-on experience of the pretrial litigation process in the federal court system. Students act as lawyers in a simulated civil case, interviewing and counseling clients, conducting legal research, drafting pleadings, and engaging in discovery practice, settlement negotiations, and pre-trial motion practice.

LAW 732 - 3 credits
This course examines the legal issues posed by unmanned aerial systems, better known as drones. Topics include the torts for invasion of privacy, Fourth Amendment limits on government surveillance, the First Amendment right to gather information, intellectual property, trespass, product liability, and national security

LAW 611 - 3 credits
This course analyzes the substantive law, underlying theory and policy, and practice of products liability-liability for injuries by defective consumer products.

LAW 688 - 3 credits
The course will introduce students to concepts in cognitive and social psychology such as memory, perception, judgment, & persuasion and then apply these concepts to basic lawyering tasks such as interviewing, counseling, negotiation, mediation, discovery, and writing. It will also examine what psychology can teach us about attorney ethics, success and happiness.

Law 776 - 2 credits (special permission required by instructor)
This advanced course will focus on the application of law and science to a variety of natural resource issues on public lands in our desert region. An essential aspect of the course will be a six-day field trip to the Kaibab Plateau, near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. On each of the five days during the trip, students visit areas on public land where significant legal issues have arisen concerning the management of natural resources, including old growth forests, rangelands, the Colorado River, and critical endangered species habitat. At each location, students discuss resource management and legal issues with federal/state land managers and, in some cases, representatives of the environmentalist community and resource industries.
In addition to the field component, BSL students will meet for three two-hour sessions in Las Vegas to discuss the reading materials for the trip, and students will be required to complete a substantial paper before the end of the summer term. Students should normally have taken either Public Land and Natural Resources Law, Water Law, or Environmental Law, but applications from other students will also be considered.

LAW 654 - 3 credits
This course provides an introduction to federal public lands and natural resources law. Focusing on the laws and legal systems that govern the classification and use of the federally-owned lands constituting a third of America and the vast majority of the West, the course examines the major resource areas, including: minerals, timber, range, wildlife, recreation, wilderness, and cultural resources. Importantly, the course explores the interplay between environmental, economic, cultural, social and political factors in managing our national parks, forest, and the public domain.

LAW 614 - 3 credits
Mortgages, deeds of trust, installment land contracts, construction financing, mechanics' liens, effect of CERCLA on lenders, sale and leaseback financing, ground lease financing, shopping center leases, and condominiums.

LAW 631 - 3 credits
This course will explore what lawyers and courts do to help someone who has been, or is about to be, wronged. The course will provide an in-depth look at the four major categories of remedies: damages, coercive remedies, declaratory relief, and restitution.

LAW 623 - 3 credits
This course explores the legal issues that arise from the operation of a resort hotel and casino, using Nevada companies as typical examples emphasizing legal issues related to the presence of gaming in resorts. The course is designed to provide an understanding of the array of legal issues associated with the operation of a resort hotel and the laws applicable to those issues.

LAW 637 - 3 credits
This course examines the laws governing sales and leases of goods, including Articles 1, 2 and 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code, the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.

LAW 615 - 3 credits
Covers Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code with respect to taking security interests in personal property. Emphasis on interplay with real property security and bankruptcy, problem solving, and ethical issues.

LAW 716 1-3 credits
Students participate in forensic competitions, such as moot court and trial practice, involving legal research and analysis and brief writing as well as oral arguments or other advanced lawyering tasks.

LAW 790 - 2-4 credits
This course involves the study of a specialized topic in law that is not covered elsewhere in the law school curriculum. The particular topic will be announced during registration for the semester in which the course is offered. Topics that have been offered are: ADR in the Workplace, Advanced Bankruptcy Seminar, A Business Venture's Life Cycle, Dealing with Difficult Clients, Divorce Mediation, Elder Law, Energy Law, International Business Ethics, Law and Leadership, Lawyering & Psychology, Law and Religion, National Security Law, Not for Profit Organizations, Settling Legal Disputes, Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy, and Voting Rights.

LAW 649 - 3 credits
This course surveys federal income taxation of business entities and their owners, including corporations and partnerships. Prerequisite: LAW 603 Federal Income Tax.

LAW 712 - 3 credits
Students design, execute, and practice the lawyering tasks specifically associated with actual courtroom trials, including opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, evidentiary objections, and closing arguments. Students perform these tasks in the context of hypothetical cases.
Prerequisite: Must have completed LAW 606 Evidence.

Law 678 - 3 credits
This course will provide basic information about federal gambling law, including laws concerning Native American casinos, interstate wagering, international wagering, transportation of wagering devices and online wagering.

LAW 620 - 3 credits
Acquisition and exercise of private rights in water, public rights and environmental protection, water distribution organizations, interstate water allocation, and federal-state relations in water resource management.

LAW 632 - 3 credits
This course examines intestate succession, family protection, execution of wills, will contests, will substitutes, creation of trusts, modification and termination of trusts, and administration of estates and trusts.