
Update on university operations (11/24/2020)

Dear University Community,

As the Thanksgiving holiday break nears, we wanted to express our gratitude for all you have done to maintain a safe environment and reduce the rates of COVID-19 at UNLV. Each one of you has played a part in keeping each other safe and well, and your actions have made a significant difference during these challenging times.

Following the stay-at-home recommendation issued by Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak on Nov. 10, he announced Sunday additional measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 over the next three weeks. Due to UNLV’s thoughtful and cautious approach this fall and your diligence in following guidelines, we will only need to make minor adjustments to what is currently in place.

Changes to operations include:

  • University Libraries, the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC) and computer labs will be limited to 25 percent of total occupancy. We estimate current usage is lower than or meets the new occupancy limit.
  • Face coverings will be mandatory in addition to social distancing, both indoors and outdoors. This includes wearing a face covering at all times unless actively drinking, and wearing a face covering in all shared spaces, even when individuals are more than six feet apart.
  • Wearing of face coverings in the SRWC is now required at all times when exercising except when actively drinking.
  • In-person events are suspended and UNLV is not considering exception requests until further notice.
  • As stated previously, faculty/instructors who are teaching in-person courses are encouraged to move their instruction to remote delivery to the extent feasible for the remainder of the semester.

We also want to reinforce testing guidance and following CDC guidelines for isolation and quarantine. If you are in quarantine due to close contact, a negative test does not end your quarantine early. Negative test results or a doctor’s note are not required for individuals to return to work or class after they have completed the CDC guidance for isolation or quarantine and met its requirements.

If you are planning to gather with others outside of your household this week, please review the CDC’s recommendations related to holiday gatherings.

We wish you and your loved ones, near and far, a safe and COVID-free holiday break.

Warm regards,

Keith E. Whitfield, Ph.D.

Chris L. Heavey, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President and Provost