Faculty Enrichment Lecture - Dr. Kaitlin McCormick-Huhn
Dr. Kaitlin McCormick-Huhn is an interdisciplinary social psychologist and the Workplace Law Research Fellow at the Boyd School of Law.
In her research, she fuses traditional experimental elements of social psychology with women’s studies theories and methodological approaches. In particular, Dr. McCormick-Huhn empirically examines social group stereotypes with an intersectionality framework. Much of her research has examined the consequences of gendered beliefs about emotion, and more recently, the role of historical context (i.e., the #MeToo movement) on such beliefs. She also develops new interventions and evaluates existing interventions to address unconscious bias and reduce stereotyping in the workplace. In this line of research, she has used strategies such as experiential learning through game-like simulations and guided discussions.
Dr. McCormick-Huhn received her dual-Ph.D. in Psychology (Social Psychology Area) and Women’s Studies from The Pennsylvania State University, M.S. from The Pennsylvania State University, and B.A. from Boston University.
Join us in welcoming Boyd School of Law's own Dr. Kaitlin McCormick-Huhn to the Boyd School of Law for her Faculty Enrichment lecture on November 7, 2018.