Laura Nader

Laura Nader, Professor of Social Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, spoke on Confict Resolution and the Anti-Law Movement: A Global Effort?. Professor Nader's current work focuses on how central dogmas are made and how they work in law, energy science, and anthropology. Nader’s areas of interest include comparative ethnography of law and dispute resolution, conflict, comparative family organization, the anthropology of professional mindsets and ethnology of the Middle East, Mexico, Latin America and the contemporary United States. She was involved in conferences in the 1960's, determining the direction the study of law in society as a part of society and not insulated and isolated from other human institutions, should take as it developed. Nader edited and published essays from these conferences as well as authoring several books on the anthropology of law, establishing herself as an influential figure in the development of the field. She is the author of Harmony, Ideology--Injustice and Control in a Mountain Zapotec Villag and The Life of the Law--Anthropological Projects. In 1995 the Law and Society Association awarded her the Kalven Prize for distinguished research on law and society.

Laura Nader photo
Laura Nader Event
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Event Flyer (PDF)

February 4, 2008
10:30 AM - 12:25 PM
BSL 102