Summit for Corporate Governance

Boards of directors today face a variety of issues in important areas of corporate governance including duties and oversight obligations, risk oversight and responsibility, engagement with activist stockholders, communications and social media, board composition and diversification, and executive and board compensation. View the full Summit agenda.  


If you have already registered, visit the UNLV Foundation to pay your registration fee. In lieu of a traditional registration fee, GreenbergTraurig requests that a $250 donation, per attendee, be made to support student scholarships at the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law.

Your contribution is tax-deductible and will be processed through the UNLV Foundation, a registered 501(c)3. Should you have any questions regarding your gift, please contact Emily Irwin at

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to RSVP with Greenberg Traurig.

Thank you for your support of Nevada’s Law School and for your participation in the Summit for Corporate Governance. We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas on November 8. 

November 8, 2019
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
William S. Boyd School of Law