West Coast Rhetoric
This workshop is aimed at gathering and encouraging a critical mass of people who enjoy collaborating with or at least talking to one another about law and rhetoric scholarship, broadly defined. Participants are invited either (1) to send in a fairly final draft 15 days in advance and to read and provide feedback on another draft or (2) to read and provide feedback on two drafts. Specific commenters are designated on each piece, and depending on how many participants there are, larger group and some smaller group sessions will be run.
This annual scholarship exchange is organized by an informal consortium of professors from UNLV, the University of Washington, and Stanford (Jeanne Merino). The workshops typically draw 15-25 scholars who read and discuss their works in progress. We have been successful in bringing together a core group of scholars (from those three schools and others in the western region), mostly representing law schools, but have been successful in broadening the range of those attending.
For more information, please contact Linda Berger ar linda.berger@unlv.edu or Terrill Pollman at terrill.pollman@unlv.edu.