Webinar-Security for Law Firms During Work From Home COVID-19 Times [CC]

Security for Law Firms During Work From Home COVID-19 Times [CC]

April 30, 2020
12:00 - 1:00 pm


When it comes to remote work security, the cost of inaction has never been higher. This webinar is designed to help firms maintain security during this period of extended teleworking.
Heinan Landa will offer critical insights into the nature and caliber of threats we are all vulnerable to in a non-technical, easily digestible format. He'll discuss the threats and vulnerabilities we face when working from home, how to protect your firm and your clients' data, what you can do to secure your environment, and the high cost of not addressing security issues during COVID-19. If you're serious about protecting your and your clients' data, you don't want to miss this.
This program will provide:
•    The differences in home versus office security.
•    The magnitude of the increases in scams and breaches during this pandemic.
•    Specific types of scams to be on the lookout for.
•    How to make home networks and PCs more secure.
•    What is at risk if appropriate action isn't taken - the cost of inaction to you, your clients, and your firm is very high.

David Campbell
Heinan Landa

Michael Gottlieb

American Bar Association


April 30, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Online Webinar