Webinar-Stay at Home Orders in the Wake of COVID-19 [CC]

Stay at Home Orders in the Wake of COVID-19 [CC]

April 28, 2020
10:00 - 11:00 am
Approved for 1 CLE credit in Nevada


Many governmental entities have issued Stay at Home Orders to decrease the spread of the coronavirus. However, these orders can lead to confusion for the general public and enforcement agencies if they are vague, lack clear definitions and because they cannot anticipate every scenario. This program will provide practical tips and useful examples to assist you as you help your clients navigate these new uncharted waters.

Determining Essential Employees, Enforcement, and Inconsistencies Between Neighboring Jurisdictions
Many governmental entities have issued Stay at Home Orders to decrease the spread of the coronavirus. However, these orders can lead to confusion for the general public and enforcement agencies if they are vague, lack clear definitions and because they cannot anticipate every scenario. This program will provide practical tips and useful examples to assist you as you help your clients navigate these new uncharted waters. Join us and learn:
•    How to determine and define essential employees and essential functions.
•    The required documentation allowing movement under stay at home orders and how government entities should issue them.
•    When and if governmental entities can enforce stay at home orders.
•    How to handle inconsistencies between local/state/federal orders and best practices for insuring consistent messaging.
•    How government entities can return to normal operations.

Amber Gail Eisenschenk
Brian H Gaviglio
Gregory G Brooker
Sharon E Pandak

Susan Kidd

American Bar Association, Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division

April 28, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Online Webinar