Publications - Jeffrey Stempel
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Learning Civil Procedure (West Academic Publishing 2013) (2d ed. 2015) (3d ed. 2018) (4th ed. 2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Teacher's Manual for Learning Civil Procedure (West Academic Publishing 2013) (2nd. ed. 2015) (3d ed. 2018) (4th ed. 2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Randy J. Maniloff, General Liability Insurance Coverage: Key Issues in Every State (Oxford U. Press 2011) (2d ed. 2012) (3d ed. 2015) (4th ed. 2018) (5th ed. 2021).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Fundamentals of Litigation Practice (Thomson West 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Erik S. Knutsen, Stempel and Knutsen on Insurance Coverage (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 4th ed. 2016) (Annual Supps.).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Motion Practice (Little, Brown 1985) (Little, Brown 2d ed. 1991) (Aspen 3d ed. 1998) (Aspen 4th ed. 2001) (Aspen 5th ed. 2009) (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business 6th ed. 2015) (7th ed. 2016) (8th ed. 2017) (Annual Supps.)
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Fundamentals of Pretrial Litigation (West 1985) (2d ed. 1992) (3d ed. 1994) (4th ed. 2000) (5th ed. 2001) (6th ed. 2007) (7th ed. 2008) (8th ed. 2011) (9th ed. 2013) (10th ed. 2016) (11th ed. 2020).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Teachers Manual for Fundamentals of Pretrial Litigation (West 1985) (2d ed. 1992) (3d ed. 1994) (4th ed. 2000) (5th ed. 2001) (6th ed. 2007) (7th ed. 2008) (8th ed. 2011) (9th ed. 2013) (10th ed. 2016) (11th ed. 2020).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Principles of Insurance Law (LexisNexis 3d ed. 2004) (4th ed. 2011) (5th ed. 2020).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Instructor’s Manual for Principles of Insurance Law (LexisNexis 3d ed. 2004) (4th ed. 2011) (5th ed. 2020).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Litigation Road: The Story of Campbell v. State Farm Insurance (West 2008).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Stempel on Insurance Contracts (Aspen 3d ed. 2006 & Supps. 2007-15).
Nevada Civil Practice Manual (Jeffrey W. Stempel et al. eds., 5th ed. 2001 & Supps. 2002-15).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Law of Insurance Contract Disputes (Aspen 2nd ed. 1999 & Supps. 2000-05)
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Lawyering: Practice and Planning (West 1996) (2d ed. 2003).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Bailey Kuklin, Foundations of the Law (West 1994)
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Bailey Kuklin, Teacher's Manual for Foundations of the Law (West 1994).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Interpretation of Insurance Contracts (Little, Brown 1994 & Supps. 1995-98).
Book Contributions
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Erik S. Knutsen, American Exceptionalism: The COVID-19 Insurance Experience, in AIDA Europe Research Series: Insurance Law and Regulation on COVID-19 and Insurance (Maria Luisa Munoz Paredes & Anna Tarasiuk eds.) (forthcoming).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Insuring Against “War-Lite:” The New Face of the War Exclusion in Insurance, in Proceedings, IV Congreso International De Derecho Del Seguo (El Seguro De Personas y La Inteligencia Artificial (with Erik S. Knutsen) (Thomson Reuters, forthcoming 2023).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Rapporteur, Reinsurer Liabilities Excess of Policy Limits and for Extra-Contractual Obligations, inPrinciples of Reinsurance Contract Law (Articles 4.1 & 4.2) (UNIDROIT, forthcoming 2023).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Erik S. Knutsen, Textual Literalism, Formalism, and Canon-Centric Construction as De Facto—and Defective—Artificial Intelligence, in Proceedings, III Congreso International De Derecho Del Seguo (El Seguro De Personas y La Intelegencia Artificial) (Abel B. Veiga Copo & Miguel Martinez Munoz eds., Thomson Reuters) (forthcoming 2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Hard Battles Over Soft Law: The American Experience with the ALI Liability Insurance Restatement, in Dimensiones y Desafios Del Seguro De Responsibilidad Civil (Abel B. Veiga Copo ed., Thomson Reuters 2021).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Pre-Contractual Utmost Good Faith of the Reinsured, in Carter v. Boehm and Pre-Contractual Duties in Insurance Law: A Global Perspective after 250 Years (Yong Qiang Han & Greg Pynt eds., Hart Pub. 2018).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Martin Davies, Pre-Contractual Duties under American Insurance Law, in Carter v. Boehm and Pre-Contractual Duties in Insurance Law: A Global Perspective after 250 Years (Yong Qiang Han & Greg Pynt eds., Hart Pub. 2018).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Insurance and Climate Change Litigation, in Adjudicating Climate Change: Sub-National, National and Supra-National Approaches (William C.G. Burns & Hari M. Osofsky eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2009).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Punitive Damages in Bad Faith Actions Against Insurers in the USA: The Impact of Campbell v. State Farm, in Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 250 (Jahestagung Supp. 2007).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, From Johnstown to New Orleans: Insurance of Environmental Risks in the USA, in Die Versicherung Von Umweltrisiken (Insurance of Environmental Risks) 21 (Alexander Bruns & Zdenko Grobenski eds., 2007).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Oral Depositions, in 7 Moore’s Federal Practice (James Wm. Moore et. al. eds., Matthew Bender 3d ed. 1997) (quarterly supplementation).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Summary Judgment, in 11 Moore’s Federal Practice (James Wm. Moore et. al. eds., Matthew Bender 3d ed. 1997) (quarterly supplementation).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Regulation of Life Insurance Companies, in 1 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Non-Profit Health Care Plans, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Other Life, Annuity, Retirement and Health Entities, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Basic Concepts of Insurance Law, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Representations and Warranties, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Life Insurance Policies, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Life Insurance Claims, in 2 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Annuities and Variable Contracts, in 3 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Accident and Health Insurance, in 3 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Professional Liability Insurance, in 3 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Aviation Insurance, in 3 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, in 3 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Fidelity and Surety Insurance, in 4 New York Insurance Law (Wolcott B. Dunham ed., Supp. 1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & David F. Herr, Documentary Evidence, in 1 Federal Evidence Practice Guide (Joseph M. McLaughlin ed., Matthew Bender 1989).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & David F. Herr, Witnesses in General, in 2 Federal Evidence Practice Guide (Joseph M. McLaughlin ed., Matthew Bender 1989).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Casinos, COVID, and Convergence: Jurisprudential and Insurance Implications of a Litigation Pandemic, 14 UNLV Gaming L.J. 253 (2024).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The 2022 New Jersey Insurance Fair Conduct Act and the Incomplete Evolution of Policyholder Protection, 75 Rutgers U.L. Rev. 185 (2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Erik S. Knutsen, Insuring Fortuity—and Intent: A Comment on Professor French's Insuring Intentional Torts, 83 Ohio St. L.J. Online 218 (2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Technologically Improving Textualism, 6 Nev. L.J. Forum 10 (2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, A Deeper Dive into Nautilus: Differentiating Insurer Efforts to Recover Defense Costs and Assessing Recoupment in the Wake of the ALI Restatement, 57 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 57 (2022).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Rejecting Word Worship: An Integrative Approach to Judicial Construction of Insurance Policies, 90 U. Cin. L. Rev. 561 (2021) (with Erik S. Knutsen).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, What Is the Meaning of "Plain Meaning"?, 56 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 551 (2021).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Adding Context and Constraint to Corpus Linguistics, 86 Brook. L. Rev. 389 (2021).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Infected Judgment: Problematic Rush to Conventional Wisdom and Insurance Coverage Denial in a Pandemic, 27 Conn. Ins. L.J. 185 (2021) (with Erik S. Knutsen).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Hard Battles Over Soft Law: The Troubling Implications of Insurance Industry Attacks on the American Law Institute Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance, 69 Cleve. St. L. Rev. 605 (2021).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Elastics of Snap Removal: An Empirical Case Study of Textualism, 69 Clev. St. L. Rev. 289 (2021) (with Thomas O. Main & David McClure).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Snap Removal: Concept; Cause; Cacophony; and Cure, 72 Baylor L. Rev. 423 (2020) (with Thomas O. Main & David McClure).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, How to Make a Dead Armadillo: Consumer Contracts and the Perils of Compromise, 32 Loy. Consumer L. Rev. 605 (2020)
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Legal Ethics and Law Reform Advocacy, 10 St. Mary's J. on Legal Malpractice & Ethics 244 (2020).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Protecting Auto Accident Victims from the UM/UIM Insurer Identity Crisis, 26 Conn. Ins. L.J. 1 (2019) (with Erik S. Knutsen).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Constructing More Reliable Law and Policy: The Potential Benefits of the Underused Delphi Method, 87 UMKC L. Rev. 919 (2019) (with Juan Bataller-Grau et al.).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Techno-Neutrality Solution to Navigating Insurance Coverage for Cyber Losses, 122 Penn. St. L. Rev. 645 (2018) (with Erik S. Knutsen).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Judicial Peremptory Challenges as Access Enhancers, 86 Fordham L. Rev. 2263 (2018).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Asymmetry and Adequacy in Discovery Incentives: The Discouraging Implications of Haeger v. Goodyear, 51 Akron L. Rev. 639 (2017).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Hyatt v. Franchise Tax Board of California: Perils of Undue Disputing Zeal and Undue Immunity for Government-Inflicted Injury, 18 Nev. L.J. 61 (2017).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, An Analytic "Gap": The Perils of Relentless Enforcement of Payment-by-Underlying-Insurer-Only Language in Excess Insurance Policies, 52 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 807 (2017).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Notes from a Quiet Corner: User Concerns About Reinsurance Arbitration – and Attendant Lessons for Selection of Dispute Resolution Forums and Methods, 9 Arb. L. Rev. 93 (2017).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Enhancing the Socially Instrumental Role of Insurance: The Opportunity and Challenge Presented by the ALI Restatement Position on Breach of the Duty to Defend, 5 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 587 (2015).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Irrepressible Myth of Burnham and Its Increasing Indefensibility After Goodyear and Daimler, 15 Nev. L.J. 1203 (2015).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Making Liquor Immunity Worse: Nevada’s Undue Protection of Commercial Hosts Evicting Vulnerable and Dangerous Patrons, 14 Nev. L.J. 866 (2014).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Symposium: Nevada Law at 150, 14 Nev. L.J. 831 (2014).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Rediscovering the Sawyer Solution: Bundling Risk for Protection and Profit, 11 Rutgers J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 170 (2013).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Asymmetric Dynamism and Acceptable Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards, 5 Penn. St. Yearbook on Arb. & Med. 1 (2013).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Stoney Road Out of Eden: The Struggle to Recover Insurance for Armenian Genocide Deaths and Its Implications for the Future of State Authority, Contract Rights, and Human Rights, 18 Buff. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 1 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Worst Supreme Court Case Ever? Identifying, Assessing, and Exploring Low Moments of the High Court, 12 Nev. L.J. 516 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Tending to Potted Plants: The Professional Identity Vacuum in Garcetti v. Ceballos, 12 Nev. L.J. 703 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Taking Cognitive Illiberalism Seriously: Judicial Humility, Aggregate Efficiency, and Acceptable Justice, 43 Loy. U. Chi. L. J. 627 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Paradox Lost: The Potential of Restorative Attorney Discipline-With a Cautionary Call for Making Distinctions, 12 Nev. L. J. 350 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Tainted Love: An Increasingly Odd Arbitral Infatuation in Derogation of Sound and Consistent Jurisprudence, 60 U. Kan. L. Rev. 795 (2012).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, In Praise of Procedurally Centered Judicial Disqualification-and a Stronger Conception of the Appearance Standard: Better Acknowledging and Adjusting to Cognitive Bias, Spoliation, and Perceptual Realities, 30 Rev. Litig. 733 (2011).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Shady Grove and the Potential Democracy-Enhancing Benefits of Erie Formalism, 44 Akron L. Rev. 907 (2011).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Insurance Policy as Social Instrument and Social Institution, 51 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1489 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Impeach Brent Benjamin Now!? Giving Adequate Attention to Failings of Judicial Impartiality, 47 San Diego L. Rev. 1 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Feeding the Right Wolf: A Niebuhrian Perspective on the Opportunities and Limits of Mindful Core Concerns Dispute Resolution, 10 Nev. L.J. 472 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Refocusing Away From Rules Reform and Devoting More Attention to the Deciders, 87 Denv. U. L. Rev. 335 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Hazel Beh, Misclassifying the Insurance Policy: The Unforced Errors of Unilateral Contract Characterization, 32 Cardozo L. Rev. 85 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Insurance Policy as Statute, 41 McGeorge L. Rev. 203 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Completing Caperton and Clarifying Common Sense Through Using the Right Standard for Constitutional Judicial Recusal, 29 Rev. Litig. 249 (2010).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The ‘Other’ Intermediaries: The Increasingly Anachronistic Immunity of Managing General Agents and Independent Claims Adjusters, 15 Conn. Ins. L.J. 599 (2009).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Playing Forty Questions: Responding to Justice Roberts’ Concerns in Caperton and Some Tentative Answers About Operationalizing Judicial Recusal and Due Process, 39 Sw. L. Rev. 1 (2009).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Insurance Policy as Thing, 44 Tort Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 813 (2009).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Chief William’s Ghost: The Problematic Persistence of the Duty to Sit Doctrine, 57 Buff. L. Rev. 813 (2009).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Adam, Martin and John: Iconography, Infrastructure, and America’s Pathological Inconsistency About Medical Insurance, 14 Conn. Ins. L.J. 229 (2008).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Mandating Minimum Quality in Mass Arbitration, 76 U. Cinn. L. Rev. 383 (2008).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Keeping Arbitrations from Becoming Kangaroo Courts, 8 Nev. L.J. 251 (2007).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Assessing the Coverage Carnage: Asbestos Liability and Insurance After Three Decades of Dispute, 12 Conn. Ins. L.J. 349 (2006).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Class Actions and Limited Vision: Opportunities for Improvement Through a More Functional Approach to Class Treatment of Disputes, 83 Wash. U.L.Q. 1127 (2006).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Lawyers, Democracy and Dispute Resolution: The Declining Influence of Lawyer-Statesmen Politicians and Lawyerly Values, 5 Nev. L.J. 479 (2004-2005)
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Most Rational Branch: Guinn v. Legislature and the Judiciary’s Role as Helpful Arbiter of Conflict, 4 Nev. L.J. 518 (2004).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Arbitration, Unconscionability, and Equilibrium: The Return of Unconscionability Analysis as a Counterweight to Arbitration Formalism, 19 Ohio ST. J. on Disp. Resol. 757 (2004).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Not So Peaceful Coexistence: Inherent Tensions in Addressing Tort Law Reform, 4 Nev. L.J. 337 (2004).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Malignant Democracy: Core Fallacies Underlying Election of the Judiciary, 4 Nev. L.J. 35 (2003).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Forgetfulness, Fuzziness, Functionality, Fairness and Freedom in Dispute Resolution, 3 Nev. L.J. 305 (2003).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Symposium, Introduction: Perspectives on Dispute Resolution in the Twenty-First Century, 3 Nev. L.J. 191 (2002-2003).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Insurance Aftermath of September 11: Myriad Claims, Multiple Lines, Arguments Over Occurrence Counting, War Risk Exclusions, the Future of Terrorism Coverage, and New Issues of Government Role, 37 Tort & Ins. L.J. 817 (2002).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Timeless and Ahead of Its Time: Lachs v. Fidelity & Casualty of New York, 2 Nev. L.J. 319 (2002).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Symposium, Introduction: Favorite Insurance Cases Symposium, 2 Nev. L.J. 287 (2002).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, An Inconsistently Sensitive Mind: Richard Posner’s Cerebration of Insurance Law and Continuing Blind Spots of Econominalism, 7 Conn. Ins. L.J. 7 (2000).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & David F. Herr, Applying Amended Rule 26(B)(1) in Litigation: The New Scope of Discovery, 199 F.R.D. 396 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Ulysses Tied to the Generic Whipping Post: The Continuing Odyssey of Discovery “Reform”, 64 L. & Contemp. Probs. 197 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Politics and Sociology in Federal Civil Rulemaking: Errors of Scope, 52 Ala. L. Rev. 529 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Nadia von Magdenko, Doctors, HMOs, ERISA, and the Public Interest After Pegram v. Herdrich, 36 Tort & Ins. L.J. 687 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Inevitability of the Eclectic: Liberating ADR from Ideology, 2000 J. Disp. Resol. 247.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Identifying Real Dichotomies Underlying the False Dichotomy: Twenty-First Century Mediation in an Eclectic Regime, 2000 J. Disp. Resol. 371.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Theralaw and the Law-Business Paradigm Debate, 5 Psychol. Pub. Pol’y & L. 849 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Embracing Descent: The Bankruptcy of a Business Paradigm for Conceptualizing and Regulating the Legal Profession, 27 Fla. St. L. Rev. 25 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Judge-Made Insurance That Was Not on the Menu: Schmidt v. Smith and the Confluence of Text, Expectation, and Public Policy in the Realm of Employment Practices Liability, 21 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 283 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Domtar Baby: Misplaced Notions of Equitable Apportionment Create a Thicket of Potential Unfairness for Insurance Policyholders, 25 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 769 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, A Mixed Bag for Chicken Little: Analyzing Year 2000 Claims and Insurance Coverage, 48 Emory L.J. 169 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Reason and Pollution: Construing the “Absolute” Pollution Exclusion in Context and in Light of its Purpose and Party Expectations, 34 Tort & Ins. L.J. 1 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, A More Complete Look at Complexity, 40 Ariz. L. Rev. 781 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Unmet Expectations: Undue Restriction of the Reasonable Expectations Approach and the Misleading Mythology of Judicial Role, 5 Conn. Ins. L.J. 181 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Symposium, The Florida Tobacco Litigation—Fact, Law, Policy, and Significance, 25 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 737 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Contracting Access to the Courts: Myth or Reality? Bane or Boon?, 40 Ariz. L. Rev. 965 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Unreason in Action: A Case Study in the Wrong Approach to Construing the Liability Insurance Pollution Exclusion, 50 Fla. L. Rev. 463 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Bailey Kuklin, Continuing Classroom Conversation Beyond the Four Whys, 29 Toledo L. Rev. 59 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Beyond Formalism and False Dichotomies: The Need for Institutionalizing a Flexible Concept of the Mediator’s Role, 24 Fla. St. L. Rev. 949 (1997).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Bootstrapping and Slouching Toward Gomorrah: Arbitral Infatuation and the Decline of Consent, 62 Brook. L. Rev. 1380 (1996).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Reflections of Judicial ADR and the Multi-door Courthouse at Twenty: Fait Accompli, Failed Overture, or Fledgling Adulthood?, 11 Ohio St. J. Dis. Resol. 297 (1996).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Two Cheers for Specialization, 61 Brook. L. Rev. 67 (1995).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & Ann C. McGinley, Condescending Contradictions: Richard Posner and Pregnancy Discrimination, 46 Fla. L. Rev. 193 (1994).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Halting Devolution or Bleak to the Future? Subrin’s New-Old Procedure as a Possible Antidote to Drefuss’s “Tolstoy Problem” 46 Fla. L. Rev. 57 (1994).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Reassessing The Sophisticated Policyholder Defense in Insurance Coverage Litigation, 42 Drake L. Rev. 807 (1993), reprinted in 44 Def. L.J. 189 (1995).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, New Paradigm, Normal Science, or Crumbling Construct? Trends in Adjudicatory Procedure And Litigation Reform, 59 Brook. L. Rev. 659 (1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Cultural Literacy and the Adversary System: The Enduring Problems of Distrust, Misunderstanding and Narrow Perspective, 27 Val. U. L. Rev. 313 (1993).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Sanctions, Symmetry, and Safe Harbors: Limiting Misapplication of Rule 11 by Harmonizing It with Pre-Verdict Dismissal Devices, 60 Fordham L. Rev. 257 (1991), reprinted in 41 Def. L.J. 239 (1992).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Reconsidering the Employment Contract Exclusion in Section 1 of the Federal Arbitration Act: Correcting the Judiciary’s Failure of Statutory Vision, 1991 J. Disp. Resol. 259.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Rehnquist Court, Statutory Interpretation, Inertial Burdens, and a Misleading Version of Democracy, 22 U. Toledo L. Rev. 583 (1991).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, A Better Approach to Arbitrability, 65 Tulane L. Rev. 1377 (1991).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Pitfalls of Public Policy: The Case of Arbitration Agreements, 22 St. Mary’s L.J. 259 (1990).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, A Distorted Mirror: The Supreme Court’s Shimmering View of Summary Judgment, Directed Verdict, and the Value of Adjudication, 49 Ohio St. L.J. 95 (1988).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Rehnquist, Recusal, and Reform, 53 Brook. L. Rev. 589 (1987).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Motions to Enforce Settlements: An Important Procedural Tool, 8 Am. J. Trial Advoc. 1 (1984).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Why Lawyers Should Be Allowed to Advertise: A Market Analysis of Legal Services, 58 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 945 (1983).
Jeffrey W. Stempel & William D. Morris, Electoral Folklore: An Empirical Examination of the Abortion Issue, 1 Yale L. & Pol’y Rev. 1 (1982).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., An Assessment of Alternative Strategies for Increasing Access to Legal Services, 90 Yale L. J. 122 (1980).
Commentaries, Essays, and Reviews
Jeffery W. Stempel, Through a Glass Starkley: Civil Procedure Re-Assessed, 15 Nev. L.J. 1091 (2015) (with Thomas O. Main).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Lawyers, Democracy and Dispute Resolution: The Declining Influence of Lawyer-Statesmen Politicians and Lawyerly Values, 5 Nev. L.J. 479 (2005).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Insurance in the Courts, Risk Management & Insurance Review (Spring 2006 to 2010) (semi-annual feature articles summarizing recent insurance litigation and case outcomes).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 7 Conn. Ins. L.J. 675 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 7 Conn. Ins. L.J. 339 (2000).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 6 Conn. Ins. L.J. 539 (2000).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 6 Conn. Ins. L.J. 207 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 5 Conn. Ins. L.J. 839 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 5 Conn. Ins. L.J. 489 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 4 Conn. Ins. L.J. 855 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Case Developments, 4 Conn. Ins. L.J. 465 (1997).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 71 J. Risk & Ins. 769 (2004).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 70 J. Risk & Ins. 353 (2003).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 69 J. Risk & Ins. 245 (2002).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 68 J. Risk & Ins. 349 (2001).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 67 J. Risk & Ins. 463 (2000).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 66 J. Risk & Ins. 499 (1999).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 65 J. Risk & Ins. 331 (1998).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 64 J. Risk & Ins. 755 (1997).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Recent Court Decisions, 64 J. Risk & Ins. 562 (1997).
Jeffrey W. Stempel et al., Down and Dirty in the Global Village: Jack Webb’s Guide To International Commercial Litigation, 6 J. Trans. L. 367 (1997).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, All Stressed Up But Not Sure Where To Go: Pondering the Teaching of Adversarialism in Law School, 55 Brook. L. Rev. 165 (1989).
Practice Oriented Publications
Jeffrey W. Stempel, From Quiet to Confrontational to (Potentially) Quiescent: The Path of the ALI Liability Insurance Restatement, Brief, Fall 2020, at 10.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Judicial Disqualification: Federal-State Distinctions, Nev. Law., March 2019, at 17.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Professional Responsibility Pitfalls: Often But Not Always Apparent, Nev. Law., May 2018, at 8.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Other "Personal Injury": Coverage B of the CGL Policy, Nev. Law., Jan. 2017, at 8.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Policyholder Rights to Independent Counsel: Issues Remain Regarding Compensation, Supervision of Counsel, Nev. Law., Dec. 2015, at 12.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Rodney Dangerfield No More: The American Law Institute's Coming Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance, Nev. Law., Dec. 2015, at 24.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Expert Witnesses: The Nevada Supreme Court Clarifies Adherence to NRS 50.275 and Judicial Discretion, Expressly Declining to Embrace the Federal Daubert Approach, Nev. Law., Oct. 2010, at 10.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Lawyer Professional Responsibility in Litigation, Nev. Law., Aug. 2007, at 12.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Relationship Between Defense Counsel, Policyholders, and Insurers: Nevada Rides Yellow Cab Toward “Two-Client” Model of Tripartite Relationship. Are Cumis Counsel and Malpractice Claims by Insurers Next?, Nev. Law., June 2007, at 20.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Status of the Notice/Prejudice Rule for Liability Insurance Claims in Nevada, Nev. Law., June 2007, at 10 (with Timothy S. Menter).
Jeffrey W. Stempel, An Overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Its Implications for Attorneys, Nev. Law., April 2003, at 8.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, The Errors of an Elected Judiciary, Communiqué, March 2003, at 24.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Insurance Coverage and Employment Claims, Trial, Nov. 1996, at 82.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Reading Between the Lines: Insurance Contract Interpretation, Trial, Sept. 1995, at 74.
Jeffrey W. Stempel, Interpreting Insurance Policies, The Compleat Law., Summer 1995, Law Notes, at 1.
Jeffrey W. Stempel on the Scholarly Commons