Publications - Joan Howarth
Joan W. Howarth, Shaping the Bar: The Future of Attorney Licensing (Stanford University Press, 2022).
Book Contributions
Joan W. Howarth, The Geronimo Bank Murders: A Gay Tragedy, in Crime and Punishment, Vol. II (ed. Prof. Ruthann Robson, Ashgate Library of Essays on Sexuality and Law Series 2011).
Joan W. Howarth, Lesbian Legal Theory, in Lesbian Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia (Zimmerman ed., Garland 2000).
Joan W. Howarth, Deciding to Kill: Revealing the Gender in the Task Handed to Capital Jurors, excerpted in Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, & Commentary (Aspen 1998).
Joan W. Howarth, Prisons Within Prisons: Gay Prisoners and Protector Custody, in Prisoners and the Law 14-3 (Robbins, ed., Boardman 1985).
Joan W. Howarth, The Professional Responsibility Case for Valid and Nondiscriminatory Bar Exams, 33 Geo. J. Leg. Ethics 931 (2020).
Joan W. Howarth, Diploma Privilege and the Constitution, 73 SMU L. Rev. F. 168 (2020) (with Claudia Angelos et al.).
Joan W. Howarth, What Law Must Lawyers Know?, 19 Conn. Pub. Int. L.J. 1 (2019).
Joan W. Howarth & Judith Wegner, Ringing Changes: Systems Thinking About Legal Licensing, 13 FIU L. Rev. 383 (2019).
Joan W. Howarth, The Case for a Uniform Cut Score, 42 J. Legal Prof. 69 (2017).
Joan W. Howarth, Shame Agent, 66 J. Legal. Educ. 717 (2017).
Joan W. Howarth, Introduction: Lawyers as Conservators?, 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 243 (2012).
Joan W. Howarth, Teaching Freedom: Exclusionary Rights of Student Groups, 42 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 889 (2009).
Joan W. Howarth, The Geronimo Bank Murders: A Gay Tragedy, 17 Law & Sexuality 39 (2008).
Joan W. Howarth, Recruiting Sexual Minorities and People with Disabilities to be Dean, 31 Seattle L. Rev. 751 (2008).
Joan W. Howarth, Adventures in Heteronormativity: The Straight Line from Liberace to Lawrence, 5 Nev. L.J. 260 (2004).
Joan W. Howarth, Executing White Masculinities: Lessons from Karla Faye Tucker, 81 Or. L. Rev. 183 (2002).
Joan W. Howarth, Toward the Restorative Constitution: A Restorative Justice Critique of Anti-Gang Public Nuisance Injunctions, 27 Hastings Const. L.Q. 717 (2000).
Joan W. Howarth, Women Defenders on Television: Representing Suspects and the Racial Politics of Retribution, 3 J. Gender, Race & Just. 475 (2000).
Joan W. Howarth, Teaching in the Shadow of the Bar, 31 USF L. Rev. 927 (1997).
Joan W. Howarth, Representing Black Male Innocence, 1 J. Gender, Race & Just. 97 (1997).
Joan W. Howarth, First and Last Chance: Looking for Lesbians in California's Fifties Bar Cases, 5 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women's Stud. 153 (1995).
Joan W. Howarth, Deciding to Kill: Revealing the Gender in the Task Handed to Capital Jurors, 1994 Wis. L. Rev. 1345 (1994).
Joan W. Howarth, Feminism, Lawyering, and Death Row, 2 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women's Stud. 401 (1992).
Joan W. Howarth, Note: The Rights of Gay Prisoners: A Challenge to Protective Custody, 53 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1225 (1980).
Other Publications
Joan W. Howarth, The Deborah Jones Merritt Center for the Advancement of Justice, 82 Ohio St. L.J. 911 (2021) (with Claudia Angelos & Mary Lu Bilek).
Joan W. Howarth, New York Leads from the Middle: Crowdsourcing the Bar Exam Cut Score, N.Y. St. B.A. J., Sept. 2018, at 42.
Joan W. Howarth, Writing Specialist as Rescue Club, 29 Second Draft 2 (Spring 2016).
Joan W. Howarth, Professor John "Jack" Apol, 1941-2012: In Memoriam -- "I Really Love the Chanting", 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1097 (2012).
Joan W. Howarth, Empirical Studies Contribute to Death Penalty Debate, 10 Nev. Law. 15 (Aug. 2002).
Joan W. Howarth, Chair, Editorial Board, My Story's On: Ordinary Women; Extraordinary Lives, Common Differences Press (1985).
Joan W. Howarth, Evolution of a Feminist Art: Public Forms & Social Issues, Heresies, A Journal of Art and Politics, (Spring 1979) (with Suzanne Lacy, Leslie Labowitz, & Julia London)
Joan W. Howarth, A Feminist Theory of Power: A Critique, Quest: A Feminist Quarterly (Summer 1976).