Publications - Joseph Regalia



Joe Regalia, Level Up Your Legal Writing: Techniques and Technology to Supercharge Your Skills (Aspen Publishing, 2024).



Joe Regalia, Balancing the Scales: Judicious Use of Generative AI Court Review, __ Ct. Rev. __ (forthcoming).

Joe Regalia, Lex Ex Machina: Forging a New Ethical Framework for AI and Technology in the Law, __ Cumberland L. Rev. __ (forthcoming).

Joe Regalia, From Briefs to Bytes: How Generative AI is Transforming Legal Writing and Practice, 59 Tulsa L. Rev. 193 (2024).

Joe Regalia, Fighting for Water Equity in the West: Whose Water Is It Anyway?, 33 W. Legal Hist. 144 (2023).

Joe Regalia, Clients and Lawyers Unite: The Dysfunction of Law Firm Teams Need a Cure, 48 U. Dayton L. Rev. 57 (2023) (with David Wallace).

Joseph Regalia, The Public Trust Doctrine and the Climate Crisis: Panacea or Platitude?, 11 Mich. J. Env't & Admin. L. 1 (2021).

Joseph Regalia, A New Water Law Vista: Rooting the Public Trust Doctrine in the Courts, 108 Ky. L.J. 1 (2019).

Joe Regalia, The Feedback Feeding Frenzy: Adding Audio and Technology to the Mix, 27 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 60 (2019) (with Amy B. Levin).

Joseph Regalia & Noah D. Hall, Waters of the State, 59 Nat. Resources J. 59 (2019).

Joseph Regalia, Why Mississippi’s Plea to the Supreme Court That It “Owns” Its Water and That Tennessee is “Stealing” It is Just Wrong, U. Chi. L. Rev. Online (2019).

Joseph Regalia & V. Andrew Cass, Bringing Counsel in from the Cold: Reconciling Ethical Rules with the Quagmire of Insurance Defense Practice, 48 N.M. L. Rev. 452 (2018).

Joseph Regalia, Interstate Groundwater Law Revisited: Mississippi v. Tennessee, 34 Va. Envtl. L.J. 152 (2016) (with Noah D. Hall).

Joe Regalia, The Common Law Right to Information, 18 Rich. J. L. & Pub. Int. 89 (2015).

Joseph Regalia & V. Andrew Cass, Navigating the Law of Defense Counsel Ex Parte Interviews of Treating Physicians31 J. Contemp. Health L. & Pol'y 35 (2015).

Commentaries, Essays, and Reviews

Joe Regalia, Generative AI and the Future of Legal Education, Nev. Law., Oct. 2023, at 8. 

Joseph Regalia, Lines in the Sand: Interstate Groundwater Disputes in the Supreme Court, Nat. Resources & Env't, Fall 2016, at 8 (with Noah D. Hall).