Publications - Kathryn M. Stanchi



Kathryn M. Stanchi, Legal Persuasion: A Rhetorical Approach to the Science (Routledge 2017) (with Linda L. Berger).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing (Wolters Kluwer 2017) (with Richard K. Neumann & Ellie Margolis).

Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court (co-editor with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford) (Cambridge Univ. Press 2016).


Book Chapters

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Rhetoric and Legal Argumentation in Common Law Countries, in The Research Handbook on Legal Argumentation (with Susan Provenzano) (Luis Duarte D’Almeida ed.) (Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2024).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Women in Justice Kennedy’s Jurisprudence, in The Rhetoric of Judging Well: The Conflicted Legacy of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (David A. Frank & Francis J. Mootz III eds.) (Penn. State Univ. Press 2023).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Rhetoric of Racism in the United States Supreme Court, in Law, Language, and the Courtroom: Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges (Routledge 2021).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Using Feminist Judgments in the Classroom, in Doctrine & Diversity: Inclusion & Equity in the Law School Classroom (Nicole Dyszlewski et al. eds., Carolina Academic Press 2020) (with Bridget Crawford & Linda L. Berger).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Gender Justice: The Role of Stories and Images, in Metaphor, Narrative, and the Law (Michael Hanne & Robert Weisberg eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2018) (with Linda L. Berger). 

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Legacy of Griswold and Eisenstadt: An Introduction to Griswold v. Connecticut and Eisenstadt v. Baird, in Briefs That Changed the Word (Aspen Law 2012). 



Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Rhetoric of Rape Through the Lens of Commonwealth V. Berkowitz, 37 Intl. J. Semiotics L. 359 (2024).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Rhetoric of Racism in the United States Supreme Court, 62 B.C. L. Rev. 1251 (2021) (awarded the 2023 Penny Pether Award for Law and Language Scholarship).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Teaching with Feminist Judgments: A Global Conversation, 38 Law & Inequality 1 (2020) (with Linda L. Berger et al.).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Why Women? Judging Transnational Courts and Tribunals, 34 Conn. J. Int'l. L. 319 (2019) (with Linda L. Berger et al.).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Learning from Feminist Judgments: Lessons in Language and Advocacy, 98 Texas L. Rev. Online 40 (2019) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Necessity of Multi-Stranded Feminist Judicial Opinions, 44 Austl. Feminist L. J. 245 (2018) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Rewriting Judicial Opinions and The Feminist Scholarly Project, 94 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online 1 (2018) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Methods, Impact, and Reach of the Global Feminist Judgments Projects, 8 Oñati Socio-legal Series 1215 (2018) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Feminist Judging Matters: How Feminist Theory and Methods Affect the Process of Judgment, 47 U. Balt. L. Rev. 167 (2018), reprinted in Women and the Law (Thomson Reuters 2018) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Using Feminist Theory to Advance Equal Justice under Law, 17 Nev. L.J. 539 (2017) (with Linda L. Berger & Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, This is Your Sword: How Damaging Are Prior Convictions to Plaintiffs in Civil Trials?, 89 Wash. U. L. Rev. 901 (2014) (with Deirdre Bowen).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, What Cognitive Dissonance Tells Us About Tone in Persuasion, 22 J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 93 (2013).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Power of Priming in Legal Advocacy: Using the Science of First Impressions to Persuade the Reader, 89 OR. L. Rev. 305 (2010).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Playing With Fire: The Science of Confronting Adverse Material in Legal Advocacy, 60 Rutgers L. Rev. 381 (2008).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Science of Persuasion: An Initial Exploration, 2006 Mich. State L. Rev. 411 (2006).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Dealing with Hate in the Feminist Classroom, 11 Mich. J. Gender & L. 173 (2005).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Who Next, the Janitors? A Socio-Feminist Critique of the Status Hierarchy of Law Professors, 73 UMKC. L. Rev. 467 (2005).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Feminist Legal Writing, 39 San Diego L. Rev. 387 (2002).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Resistance is Futile: How Legal Writing Pedagogy Contributes to the Law's Marginalization of Outsider Voices, 103 Dickinson L. Rev. 7 (1998).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Paradox of the Fresh Complaint Rule, 37 B.C. L. REV. 441 (1996).


Commentaries, Essays, and Reviews

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Dispatches from U.S. Feminist Judgments 2022 Summer Feminist Legal Theory Series: Spotlight on New Books in the Field—Gender, Race and Diversity in the Centre of the Conversation, 31 Fem. Leg. Stud. 395 (2023) (with Bridget J. Crawford).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, The Problem with ABA Standard 405(c), 66 J. Leg. Educ. 558 (2017).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Step Away from the Case Book: A Call for Balance and Integration in Law School Pedagogy, 43 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 611 (2008).

Katheyn M. Stanchi, Moving Beyond Instinct: Persuasion in the Era of Professional Legal Writing, 9 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 935 (2005) (review of Michael Smith, Advanced Legal Writing).

Kathryn M. Stanchi, Gender and Legal Writing: Law Schools’ Dirty Little Secrets, 16 Berkeley Women’s L.J. 3 (2001) (with Jan M. Levine).