Publications - Mary Beth Beazley



Mary Beth Beazley & Monte Smith, Briefs and Beyond: Persusasive Legal Writing (Aspen Publishers, 2021).

Mary Beth Beazley & Monte Smith, Legal Writing for Legal Readers: Predictive Writing for First-Year Students  (Aspen Publishers, 3d ed. 2022).

Mary Beth Beazley, A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy (and Teacher’s Manual) (Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2022)


Book Contributions

Mary Beth Beazley, Which Spell: Learning to Think Like a Wizard, in The Law and Harry Potter (Jeffrey E. Thomas & Franklin G. Snyder eds., 2010).

Mary Beth Beazley, Michael R. Smith & J.A. Durako, Beyond the First Year: Upper-Level Courses, in ABA Sourcebook on Legal Writing Programs (Eric B. Easton, ed., 2d ed. 2006).



Mary Beth Beazley, Shouting into the Wind: How the ABA Standards Promote Inequality in Legal Education, and What Law Students and Faculty Should Do about It, 65 Vill. L. Rev. 1037 (2020).

Mary Beth Beazley, Writing for a Mind at Work: Appellate Advocacy and the Science of Digital Reading, 54 Duq. L. Rev. 415 (2016).

Mary Beth Beazley, Finishing the Job of Legal Education Reform, 51 Wake Forest L. Rev. 101 (2016).

Mary Beth Beazley, Writing (and Reading) Appellate Briefs in the Digital Age, 15 J. App. Prac. & Process 47 (2014).

Mary Beth Beazley, Hiding in Plain Sight: “Conspicuous Type” Standards in Mandated Communication Statutes, 40 J. Legis. 1 (2014).

Mary Beth Beazley, Ballot Design as Fail-Safe: An Ounce of Rotation is Worth a Pound of Litigation, 12 Election L. J. 18 (2013).

Mary Beth Beazley, Better Writing, Better Thinking: Using Legal Writing Pedagogy in the "Casebook" Classroom (Without Grading Papers), 10 Legal Writing 23 (2004).

Mary Beth Beazley, "Riddikulus!": Tenure-Track Legal Writing Faculty and the Boggart in the Wardrobe, 7 Scribes J. Legal Writing 21 (2000).

Mary Beth Beazley & Linda Edwards, The Process and the Product: A Bibliography of Scholarship about Legal Scholarship, 49 Mercer L. Rev. 741 (1998).

Mary Beth Beazley, The Self-Graded Draft: Teaching Students to Revise Using Guided Self-Critique, 3 Legal Writing 175 (1997), reprinted in The Art of Critiquing Written Work (Jane Kent Gionfriddo et. al eds., 2009).

Mary Beth Beazley & Mary Kate Kearney, Teaching Students How to Think Like Lawyers: Integrating Socratic Method with the Writing Process, 64 Temple L. Rev. 885 (1991), reprinted in The Art of Critiquing Written Work (Jane Kent Gionfriddo et. al eds., 2009) and Teaching Legal Writing Theory (Susan DeJarnett et. al eds., 2013).


Commentaries, Essays & Reviews

Mary Beth Beazley, The Digital Natives Will Not Save Us: Reflections on the shallows, 16 leg. comm. & rhetoric, JALWD 179 (2019).

Mary Beth Beazley, The Legal Writing Institute: Celebrating 25 Years of Teaching & Scholarship – Transcript, Morning Session, 61 Mercer L. Rev. 763 (2010).

Mary Beth Beazley, Plenary: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? Institutional Forces Affecting Curricular Innovation (A Panel Discussion), 1 J. Assoc. Leg. Writing Dirs. 185 (2002).

Mary Beth Beazley, Remarks: Golden Pen Award, 6 Legal Writing xiv (2000), as reprinted in National Press Club Washington, D.C., 46 Clarity 24 (July 2001).


Encyclopedia Entries

Mary Beth Beazley, Ballot Design, in The Encyclopedia of Political Science (George Thomas Kurian et al. eds., 2011).


Practice Oriented Publications

Mary Beth Beazley, Writing Effective Opinions: Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio Judicial College (2008).

Mary Beth Beazley, Writing Effective Opinions: Ohio Magistrates, Ohio Judicial College (2001).

Mary Beth Beazley, Stand Up and Be Counted, 14 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 2, May 2000, at 1.

Mary Beth Beazley, Six Degrees of Legal Writing, Columbus Bar Assoc. (1999), Ohio State L. Serv. Assoc. (2000).

Mary Beth Beazley, Of Chickens and Checklists, 14 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 1, Nov. 1999, at 1.

Mary Beth Beazley, How to Read a Writing Sample, 87 Ill. Bar J. 615 (Nov. 1999).

Mary Beth Beazley, How to Get the Writing Sample You Need, 87 Ill. Bar J. 557 (Oct. 1999).

Mary Beth Beazley, Toward a Capless Society, 13 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 2, May 1999, at 1.

Mary Beth Beazley, The President’s Corner, 13 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 1, Nov. 1998, at 1.

Mary Beth Beazley, The Cynic’s Guide to Legal Writing, Ohio CLE Institute Reference Manual Volume No. 99-37 (1999).

Mary Beth Beazley & Teri Jo Finfrock, Effective Legal Writing for Paralegals in Ohio, Institute for Paralegal Education (1998).

Mary Beth Beazley, Fire, Flood, Famine & IRAC?, 10 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 1, Nov. 1995, at 1.

Mary Beth Beazley, Time is Resource Students Must Learn to Use, 8 The Second Draft (Legal Writing Institute), no. 2, Mar. 1994, at 9.


Mary Beth Beazley on the Scholarly Commons