Publications - Mary LaFrance
Mary LaFrance, Understanding Intellectual Property Law (Matthew Bender/LexisNexis 2d ed. 2011) (3d ed. 2015) (Carolina Academic Press 4th ed. 2019) (with Donald Chisum et al.).
Mary LaFrance, Understanding Trademark Law (LexisNexis 2d ed. 2009) (Carolina Academic Press 3d ed. 2016) (4th ed. 2019).
Mary LaFrance et al., Intellectual Property Cases and Materials (Thomson West 3d ed. 2007) (4th ed. 2012) (5th ed. 2018) (6th ed. 2023).
Mary LaFrance, Copyright Law in a Nutshell (West 2d ed. 2011) (3d ed. 2017).
Mary LaFrance et al., Entertainment Law on a Global Stage (West 2015).
Mary LaFrance, Global Issues in Copyright Law (West 2009).
David Lange et al., Teacher’s Manual to Intellectual Property Cases and Materials (Thomson West 3d ed. 2007).
Book Contributions
Mary LaFrance, Collective Rights Management in the United States, in Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights (Daniel Gervais ed.) (Wolters Kluwer 4th ed., forthcoming 2024).
Mary LaFrance, Streaming of Music and Audiovisual Works, in Trade in Knowledge (World Trade Organization ed., Cambridge University Press 2022).
Mary LaFrance, Using Trademark Law to Override Copyright's First Sale Rule for Imported Copies, in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Exhaustion and Parallel Imports (Irene Calboli & Edward Lee eds., Edward Elgar 2016).
Mary LaFrance, Avoiding Mutant Trademarks: A Statutory Exclusion for Copyrighted Accessories to Parallel Imports, in Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy (Irene Calboli & Edward Lee eds., Edward Elgar 2014).
Mary LaFrance, Passing Off and Unfair Competition Regimes Compared, in Common Law and Civil Law Systems in Intellectual Property (Toshiko Takenaka ed., Edward Elgar Publ’g 2013).
Mary LaFrance, Who Is an Author?, in Intellectual Property and Information Wealth (Peter Yu ed., Praeger 2007).
Mary LaFrance, The Future of Research and Experimentation After the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 77 The Tax Law. 129 (2023).
Mary LaFrance, Apportioning Authorship, 71 U. Kan. L. Rev. 209 (2022).
Mary LaFrance, Joint Authorship and Dramatic Works: A Critical History, 45 Colum. J.L. & Arts 411 (2022).
Mary LaFrance, Public Art, Public Space, and the Panorama Right, 55 Wake Forest L. Rev. 597 (2020).
Mary LaFrance, An Ocean Apart: Transatlantic Approaches to Unlicensed Streaming and the "Value Gap," 47 AIPLA Q. J. 267 (2019).
Mary LaFrance, Choice of Law and the Right of Publicity: Rethinking the Domicile Rule, 37 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2019).
Mary LaFrance, Music Modernization and the Labyrinth of Streaming, 2 Bus., Entrepreneurship & Tax L. Rev. 310 (2018).
Mary LaFrance, Are We Serious About Performers' Rights?, 5 IP Theory 81 (2015).
Mary LaFrance, A Material World: Using Trademark Law to Override Copyright's First Sale Rule for Imported Copies, 21 Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 43 (2014), reprinted in Intellectual Property Law Review (Thomson Reuters 2015).
Mary LaFrance, Wag the Dog: Using Incidental Intellectual Property Rights to Block Parallel Imports, 20 Mich. Telecomm. & Tech. L. Rev. 45 (2013).
Mary LaFrance, Using Incidental Copyrights to Block Parallel Imports: A Comparative Perspective, 25 IP J. 149 (2013).
Mary LaFrance, The Disappearing Fourth Wall: Ethics, Law and Experiential Theatre, 15 Vand. J. Ent. Tech. L. 507 (2013).
Mary LaFrance & Irene Calboli, The Case for a Legislative Amendment Against "Accessory Copyright" for Gray Market Products: What Can the United States Learn from Singapore and Australia?, Sing. J. Legal Stud., Dec. 2013, at 253.
Mary LaFrance, Graduated Response by Industry Compact: Piercing the Black Box, 30 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 165 (2012).
Mary LaFrance, Passing Off and Unfair Competition: Conflict and Convergence in Competition Law, 2011 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1413, reprinted in 102 Trademark Rep. 1096 (2012).
Mary LaFrance, Initial Impressions: Trademark Protection for Abbreviations of Generic or Descriptive Terms, 45 Akron L. Rev. 201 (2012).
Mary LaFrance, From Whether to How: The Challenge of Implementing a Full Public Performance Right in Sound Recordings, 2 Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L. 221 (2011).
Mary LaFrance & Gail H. Cline, Identical Cousins? On the Road with Dilution and the Right of Publicity, 24 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L.J. 641 (2008).
Mary LaFrance, No Reason to Live: Dilution Laws as Unconstitutional Restrictions on Commercial Speech, 58 S.C. L. Rev. 709 (2007).
Mary LaFrance, Steam Shovels and Lipstick: Trademarks, Greed, and the Public Domain, 6 Nev. L.J. 447 (2006).
Mary LaFrance, When You Wish Upon Dastar: Creative Provenance and the Lanham Act, 23 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 197 (2005), reprinted in 38 Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 371 (2006).
Mary LaFrance, A Comparative Study of United States and Japanese Laws on Collaborative Inventions, and the Impact of Those Laws on Technology Transfers, 2005 IIP Bull. 86.
Mary LaFrance, Innovations Palpitations: The Confusing Status of Geographically Misdescriptive Trademarks, 12 J. Intell. Prop. L. 125 (2004).
Mary LaFrance, Something Borrowed, Something New: The Changing Role of Novelty in Idea Protection Law, 34 Seton Hall L. Rev. 485 (2004), reprinted in 37 Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 679 (2005).
Mary LaFrance, Nevada’s Employee Inventions Statute: Novel, Nonobvious, and Patently Wrong, 3 Nev. L.J. 88 (2002).
Mary LaFrance, Authorship and Termination Rights in Sound Recordings, 75 S. Cal. L. Rev. 375 (2002).
Mary LaFrance, Congress TRIPs Over International Law: WTO Finds Unfairness in Music Licensing Act, 11 Depaul-LCA J. Art & Ent. L. & Pol’y 397 (2002).
Mary LaFrance, Authorship, Dominance, and the Captive Collaborator: Preserving the Rights of Joint Authors, 50 Emory L.J. 193 (2001).
Mary LaFrance, Trouble in Transamerica: Deferred Compensation, Contingent Debt, and Overstated Basis, 15 Va. Tax Rev. 685 (1996), reprinted in 47 Monthly Dig. Tax Articles, Aug. 1997, at 37.
Mary LaFrance, Days of Our Lives: The Impact of Section 197 on the Depreciation of Copyrights, Patents and Related Property, 24 Hofstra L. Rev. 317 (1995).
Mary LaFrance, The Separate Tax Status of Loan-Out Corporations, 48 Vand. L. Rev. 879 (1995), reprinted in 46 Monthly Dig. Tax Articles, Mar. 1996, at 1.
Mary LaFrance, Constitutional Implications of Acquisition-Value Real Property Taxation: The Elusive Rational Basis, 1994 Utah L. Rev. 817.
Mary LaFrance, Constitutional Implications of Acquisition-Value Real Property Taxation: Assessing the Burdens on Travel and Commerce, 1994 Utah L. Rev. 1027 (1994).
Alan S. Kaden & Mary LaFrance, Installment Method Asset Sales by S Corporations, 39 Am. U. L. Rev. 915 (1990), reprinted in 42 Monthly Dig. Tax Articles, Feb. 1992, at 15, and Tax Notes, May 13, 1991.
Lisa A. Krupicka & Mary LaFrance, Note, Developments Under the Freedom of Information Act—1984, 1985 Duke L.J. 742.
Commentaries, Essays, and Reviews
Mary LaFrance, New York Right of Publicity Law: Panel Discussion, 36 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 601 (2018) (with Kevin Goering et al.).
Mary LaFrance, Clearing Rights for Entertainment Projects, Nev. Law., May 2015, at 26.
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on International Exhaustion of Copyright: The Supreme Court's Decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013 Emerging Issues 6994 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Trademark Use and Functionality: Fleischer Studios, Inc. v. A.V.E.L.A., Inc., 2013 Emerging Issues 6866 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Whether the First Sale Rule is Limited to Domestically-Made Copies: The Supreme Court's Upcoming Decision in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012 Emerging Issues 6675 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on First Amendment Protection for Expressive Works Depicting Trademarks: University of Alabama Bd. of Trustees v. New Life Art, Inc., 2012 Emerging Issues 6548 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Unauthorized Use of Trademarks in Keyword Advertising: Rosetta Stone Ltd. v. Google, Inc., 2012 Emerging Issues 6487 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Ninth Circuit's Interpretation of the DMCA Safe Harbor for User-Generated Content: Viacom Int'l, Inc. v. YouTube, Inc., 2012 Emerging Issues 6470 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Prosecuting Patent Applications in District Court after Kappos v. Hyatt, 2012 Emerging Issues 6308 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold the Constitutionality of Copyright Restoration: Golan v. Holder, 2012 Emerging Issues 6197 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on District Court Review of PTO Decisions: A Preview of Kappos v. Hyatt, 2011 Emerging Issues 6044 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Ninth Circuit's Revised Opinion on Character Merchandising: Fleischer Studios, Inc. v. A.V.E.L.A., Inc., 2011 Emerging Issues 5898 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Constitutionality of Copyright Restoration: The Supreme Court's Upcoming Decision in Golan v. Holder, 2011 Emerging Issues 5890 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Character Copyrights and the Public Domain: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. v. X One X Prods., 2011 Emerging Issues 5815 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Copyright and Trademark Protection for Cartoon Characters: Fleischer Studios, Inc. v. A.V.E.L.A., Inc., 2011 Emerging Issues 5754 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Copyright Preemption of Contract Claims Involving Copyrightable Works: Montz v. Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc., 2011 Emerging Issues 5739 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Patent Rights in Federally-Funded Inventions by University Employees: Stanford University v. Roche Molecular Sys., Inc., 2011 Emerging Issues 5710 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Supreme Court's Definition of Active Inducement in Patent Infringement: Global-Tech Appliances, Inc. v.& SEB S.A., 2011 Emerging Issues 5695 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the First Sale Rule and Ownership Versus Licensing of Music CDs in UMG Recordings, Inc. v Augusto, 2011 Emerging Issues 5508 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Copyright and Circumvention Claims Arising from Use of Third Party Software to "Cheat" in Online Games: MDY Indus., LLC v. Blizzard Ent., Inc., 2010 Emerging Issues 5461 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Personal Names as Inherently Distinctive Marks, 2010 Emerging Issues 5421 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Music Downloads as Reproductions Rather than Public Performances, 2010 Emerging Issues 5365 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Distinguishing between Sales and Licenses of Software in Vernor v. Autodesk, 2010 Emerging Issues 5350 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Whether the Federal Government is an Owner or an Infringer of the Copyright in War Memorial?, 2010 Emerging Issues 5337 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Construction of Design Patents and the Application of the Ordinary Observer Test in Richardson, 2010 Emerging Issues 5293 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Demise of the Point-of-Novelty Test for Anticipation of Design Patents: The Federal Circuit Drops the Other Shoe, 2010 Emerging Issues 5287 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Registration of Sound Marks on the Principal Register, 2010 Emerging Issues 4818 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Employee Ownership of Federally-Funded Inventions under Stanford University v. Roche Molecular Systems, 2010 Emerging Issues 4809 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Right of Publicity and False Endorsement Claims Relating to Artistic Works: Armstrong v. Eagle Rock, 2009 Emerging Issues 4771 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Seventh Circuit's Approach to Joint Authorship in Copyright Law, 2009 Emerging Issues 4520 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Removal of Product Codes from Packaging as a Form of Trademark Infringement, 2009 Emerging Issues 4502 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Unlicensed Merchandising of University Trademarks, 2009 Emerging Issues 3609 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Abandonment of the Point-of-Novelty Test for Design Patent Infringement, 2009 Emerging Issues 3516 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Copyright Owner's Privilege to Reproduce Collective Works, 2008 Emerging Issues 2838 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Trademark Protection for Abbreviations of Generic Terms, 2008 Emerging Issues 2826 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Supreme Court's Broad Interpretation of Patent Exhaustion in Quanta Computer, Inc., v. LG Electronics, Inc., 2008 Emerging Issues 2401 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Enforcement of Contractual Royalty Obligations after Patent Expiration: Zila v. Tinnell, 2008 Emerging Issues 1758 (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Identifying the Ordinary Observer for Purposes of Determining Design Patent Infringement: Arminak & Assocs., Inc. v. Saint-Gobain Calmar, Inc., 2008 Emerging Issues 1616 (2007) (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on the Availability of Injunctive Relief for Intellectual Property Infringement after eBay, Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., 2008 Emerging Issues 1596 (2007) (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on Software as a “Component” of a Patented Invention under Section 271(f), 2008 Emerging Issues 1299 (2007) (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, LaFrance on In re Beaverton Foods Inc., 2008 Emerging Issues 1298 (2007) (LexisNexis).
Mary LaFrance, Book Review, Patent Medicine: “Innovation & Its Discontents” Diagnoses a Broken System, Mobile Press-Register (January 7, 2007) (reviewing Jaffe & Lerner, Innovation and Its Discontents).
Mary LaFrance, The Study of Intellectual Property at the William S. Boyd School of Law, 65 Chizaiken Forum 71 (2006).
Mary LaFrance, Politics, Gay Rights, and the Light at the End of the Rainbow, 1 Nev. L.J. 441 (2001) (reviewing The Politics of Gay Rights (Craig A. Rimmerman, Kenneth D. Wald & Clyde Wilcox eds., Univ. Chi. Press 2000)).
Mary LaFrance, Book Review, 15 Hastings Comm. & Ent. L.J. 199 (1992) (reviewing Paul A. Baumgarten, Donald C. Farber & Mark Fleischer, Producing, Financing and Distributing Film: A Comprehensive Legal and Business Guide (Limelight Editions 1992)).
Practice Oriented Publications
Mary LaFrance, Recent Developments in Copyright Law: Technology and International Trade Play Starring Roles, Fed. Law., May 2002, at 42.
Mary LaFrance, Defining Marriage: What Ballot Question 2 Doesn’t Do, Nev. Law., Oct. 2002, at 15.
Mary LaFrance, New Laws, New Technology: Copyright Law Struggles with Change, Nev. Law., Jan. 2002, at 15.
Mary LaFrance on the Scholarly Commons