Publications - Michael Kagan
Michael Kagan, Experiencing Professional Responsibility (with Michael P. Maslanka & Nancy Dao) (West Academic 2023).
Michael Kagan (Editor-in-Chief) et al., RELATE: Refugee Law Teaching Support Initiative Manual (supported by UNHCR 2023).
Michael Kagan, The Battle to Stay in America: Immigration's Hidden Front line (University of Nevada Press, 2020).
Book Contributions
Michael Kagan, Refugees & Israel's Shifting Concept of the 'Enemy National,' in Refugees in Israel: Social and Legal Aspects (Tally Kritzman ed., 2015).
Samira Trad & Michael Kagan, Rights, Needs and Responsibility: Challenges to Rights-Based Advocacy for Non-Palestinian Refugees' Health and Education in Lebanon, in Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter? 159 (Lyla Mehta & Kasia Grabska eds., Palgrave Press 2008).
Michael Kagan, Politically-Preferred Solutions and Refugee Choices: Applying the Lessons of Iraq to Palestine, in Palestinian Refugee Repatriation: Global Perspectives 250 (Michael Dumper ed., Routledge Press 2006).
Michael Kagan, A Faster Way To Yes: Re-Balancing American Asylum Procedures, __ Geo. L.J. __ (forthcoming).
Michael Kagan, Mass Surrender in Immigration Court, 14 UC Irvine L. Rev. 163 (2024).
Michael Kagan, Regulatory Constitutional Law: Protecting Immigrant Free Speech without Relying on the First Amendment, 56 Ga. L. Rev. 1417 (2022).
Michael Kagan, In Defense of Deportation Defense, 56 UC Davis L. Rev. Online 1 (2022).
Michael Kagan et al., Nevada as an Example: State Immigration Reform in a Swing State, 22 Nev. L.J. 955 (2022).
Michael Kagan, Chevron’s Asylum: Judicial Deference in Refugee Cases, 58 Hous. L. Rev. 1119 (2021).
Michael Kagan, Chevron's Liberty Exception, 104 Iowa L. Rev. 491 (2019).
Michael Kagan, Rebecca Gill & Fatma Marouf, The Impact of Maleness on Judicial Decision Making: Masculinity, Chivalry, and Immigration Appeals, 7 Pol., Groups, and Identities 509 (2019).
Michael Kagan, What We Talk About When We Talk About Sanctuary Cities, 52 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 391 (2018).
Michael Kagan, Toward Universal Deportation Defense: An Optimistic View, 2018 Wisc. L. Rev. 305 (2018).
Michael Kagan, Loud and Soft Anti-Chevron Decisions, 53 Wake Forest L. Rev. 37 (2018).
Michael Kagan, Rebecca Gill & Fatma Marouf, Invisible Adjudication in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, 106 Geo. L.J. 683 (2018).
Michael Kagan, The Public Defender’s Pin: Untangling Free Speech Regulation in the Courtroom, 112 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1245 (2018).
Michael Kagan, (Avoiding) The End of Refugee Status Determination, 9 J. Hum. Rts. Pract. 197 (2017).
Michael Kagan, Is the Chinese Exclusion Case Still Good Law? (The President is Trying to Find Out), 1 Nev. L.J. Forum 80 (2017).
Michael Kagan, Binding the Enforcers: The Administrative Law Struggle Behind Pres. Obama’s Immigration Actions, 50 U. Rich. L. Rev. 665 (2016).
Michael Kagan, Limiting Deterrence: Judicial Resistance to Detention of Asylum-Seekers in Israel and the United States, 51 Texas Int'l L. J. 191 (2016).
Michael Kagan, When Immigrants Speak: The Precarious Status of Non-Citizen Speech Under the First Amendment, 57 B.C. L. Rev. 237 (2016).
Michael Kagan, Shrinking the Post-Plenary Power Problem, 68 Fla. L. Rev. Forum 59 (2016).
Michael Kagan, Believable Victims: Asylum Credibility and the Struggle for Objectivity, 16 Geo. J. Int’l Aff. 123 (2015).
Michael Kagan, Do Immigrants Have Freedom of Speech?, 6 Cal. L. Rev. Circuit 84 (2015).
Michael Kagan, Immigration Law’s Looming Fourth Amendment Problem, 104 Geo. L. J. 125 (2015).
Michael Kagan, Immigrant Victims, Immigrant Accusers, 48 Mich. J. L. Reform 915 (2015).
Michael Kagan, The New Era of Presidential Immigration Policy, 55 Washburn L. J. 117 (2015).
Michael Kagan, Plenary Power Is Dead! Long Live Plenary Power!, 114 Mich. L. Rev. First Impressions 21 (2015).
Michael Kagan, Speaker Discrimination: The Next Frontier of Free Speech, 42 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 765 (2015).
Michael Kagan, A Taxonomy of Discretion: Refining the Legality Debate About Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration, 92 Wash. U. L. Rev. 1083 (2015).
Michael Kagan, "Unelected Faculty:" Schuette v. Coalition and the Limits of Academic Freedom, 5 Cal. L. Rev. Circuit 286 (2014).
Michael Kagan, Must Israel Accept Syrian Refugees?, 50 Tex. Int'l L.J. F. 1 (2014).
Michael Kagan, Fatma Marouf & Rebecca Gill, Buying Time? False Assumptions About Abusive Appeals, 63 Cath. U. L. Rev. 679 (2014).
Fatma Marouf, Michael Kagan & Rebecca Gill, Justice on the Fly: The Danger of Errant Deportations, 75 Ohio St. L.J. 337 (2014).
Michael Kagan, Dubious Deference: Reassessing Appellate Standards of Review in Immigration Appeals, 5 Drexel L. Rev. 101 (2012).
Michael Kagan, The UN "Surrogate State" and the Foundation of Refugee Policy in the Middle East, 18 U.C. Davis J. of Int’l L. & Pol’y 307 (2012).
Michael Kagan, Refugee Credibility Assessment and the “Religious Imposter” Problem, 43 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 1179 (2010).
Michael Kagan, Is There Really a Protection Gap? UNRWA’s Role vis-á-vis Palestinian Refugees, 28 Refugee Surv. Q. 511 (2009).
Michael Kagan, The (Relative) Decline of Palestinian Exceptionalism and its Consequences for Refugee Studies in the Middle East, 22 J. Refugee Stud. 417 (2009).
Michael Kagan, Restitution as a Remedy for Refugee Property Claims in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 19 Fla. J. Int’l L. 421 (2007).
Michael Kagan, Destructive Ambiguity: Enemy Nationals and the Legal Enabling of Ethnic Conflict in the Middle East, 38 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 263 (2007).
Michael Kagan, Legal Refugee Recognition in the Urban South: Formal v. de Facto Refugee Status, 24 Refuge, no. 1, 2007 at 11.
Michael Kagan, Frontier Justice: Legal Aid and UNHCR Refugee Status Determination in Egypt, 19 J. Refugee Stud. 45 (2006).
Michael Kagan, The Beleaguered Gatekeeper: Protection Challenges Posed by UNHCR Refugee Status Determination, 18 Int’l J. Refugee L. 1 (2006).
Michael Kagan, Is Truth in the Eye of the Beholder? Objective Credibility Assessment in Refugee Status Determination, 17 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 367 (2003).
Michael Kagan & William P. Johnson, Persecution in the Fog of War: The House of Lords’ Decision in Adan, 23 Mich. J. Int’l L. 247 (2002).
Other Writing
Michael Kagan, Commentary, U.S. v. Texas and the Many Shades of Prosecutorial Discretion, Yale J. Regul.: Notice & Comment (July 10, 2023).
Michael Kagan, Opinion, Jeff Sessions Doesn't Care About Children Seeking Asylum, Wash. Post, Oct. 20, 2017.
Michael Kagan, Opinion, The Truth About Sanctuary Cities, The Nevada Indep., June 14, 2017.
Michael Kagan, Opinion, What Do We Mean When We Talk About Sanctuary Cities?, The Nevada Indep., May 14, 2017.
Michael Kagan, Commentary, Teaching Immigration Law in the Age of Trump, Chron. Higher Educ., Jan. 8, 2017.
Michael Kagan, The Conservative Case for DACA: The Intriguing Legal Theory You Won’t Hear on Fox News, Salon, Feb. 19, 2015.
Michael Kagan, Decade of Exile: Syria and the Middle East’s Refugee Crisis, World Pol. Rev., June 23, 2015.
Michael Kagan, On One Hand, Obama Applauds Immigrant Activists – As a Texas Case Argues that Unauthorized Immigrants Have No First Amendment Rights, Salon, May 4, 2015.
Fatma Marouf, Michael Kagan & Rebecca Gill, Opinions, A Stay on Deportations, Wash. Post, Aug. 2, 2015.
Michael Kagan, Guest Blog: When UNHCR Does the State's Job: Coping with the Reality of Mandate Status Determination, UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Global Views (Dec. 11, 2014).
Michael Kagan, Guest Blog: UNHCR Faces an RSD Crisis, (University of Michigan Law School) (Nov. 10, 2014).
Michael Kagan, Guest Blog: Commentary on Scialabba v. Cuellar de Osorio, Hamilton and Griffin on Rights (June 11, 2014).
Michael Kagan, Safe Harbor: Shoring Up the Norm of Nonrefoulement, World Pol. Rev. (3 December 2013).
Michael Kagan et al., Credibility Assessment in Asylum Procedures – A Multidisciplinary Training Manual, Hungarian Helsinki Committee (2013).
Michael Kagan, Comment, Response on LGBT Asylum and Refugee Law, NYU Law Review Opinio Juris (online) (March 29, 2012).
Michael Kagan, When Peace Seems Impossible: A Response to Hussein Ibish, The Daily Beast (21 May 2012).
Michael Kagan, We Live in a Country of UNHCR: The UN Surrogate State and Refugee Policy in the Middle East (The UN Refugee Agency: Policy Development & Evaluation Serv., Research Paper No. 201, 2011).
Michael Kagan, Shared Responsibility in a New Egypt: A Strategy for Refugee Protection, (Sept. 2011) (The American Univ. in Cairo: School of Global Affairs and Public Policy).
Michael Kagan & Anat Ben-Dor, Nowhere to Run: Gay Palestinian Asylum-Seekers in Israel (Tel Aviv Univ. Pub. Interest Law Program 2008).
Michael Kagan, Refugees and Obama’s American Values, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Dec. 8, 2008.
Michael Kagan, UN Reform for the Rest of Us: An Agenda for Grassroots Accountability, Foreign Pol’y Focus, Apr. 13, 2006.
Michael Kagan, Setting Standards of Ethics, Competence and Accountability for Legal Aid in the Context of UNHCR RSD (Asylum Access, Working Paper, 2006).
Michael Kagan, Do Israeli Rights Conflict with the Palestinian Right of Return? Identifying the Possible Legal Arguments (BADIL Res. Ctr. for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights, Working Paper No. 10, 2005).
Michael Kagan, Falling Through the Cracks: Legal and Practical Gaps in Palestinian Refugee Status – A Case Study of Unrecognized Refugees in Lebanon, (Legal Consultant on report by Frontiers Ass’n 2005).
Michael Kagan, Israel Tries to Tighten Immigration by Following Europe, Al Majdal, Autumn 2005, at 37.
Emily Arnold-Fernandez & Michael Kagan, UN Decision-Making on Refugee Status: Implications for American Asylum Policy, Immigr. Naturalization Committee Newsl., Summer 2005, at 5.
Michael Kagan, The Missing Third Leg of UN Accountability, Foreign Pol’y Focus, June 23, 2005.
Michael Kagan, At the UN, Palestinian Democracy Tests American and Israeli Limits, Electronic Intifada, May 25, 2005.
Michael Kagan, Book Review, 18 J. Refugee Stud. 241 (2005) (reviewing Guglielmo Verdirame & Barbara Harrell-Bond (with Zachary Lomo & Hannah Garry), Rights in Exile: Janus-Faced Humanitarianism (2005)).
Michael Kagan, Stop Subsidizing Occupation, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 24, 2005.
Barbara Harrell-Bond & Michael Kagan, Protecting the Rights of Refugees in Africa: Beginning with the UN Gatekeeper, Pambazuka News, Nov. 11, 2004, at 182.
Michael Kagan, Building Lives on the Edge of War: Sudanese Refugees in Northern Uganda Struggle in Limbo, Next Am. City, July 2004, at 28.
Bashir Osmat, Michael Kagan & Samira Trad, Promises Without Solutions: Iraqi Refugees Left in the Lurch in Lebanon, 18 Forced Migration Rev. 42 (2003).
Michael Kagan, Assessment of Refugee Status Determination Procedure at UNHCR’s Cairo Office 2001-2002 (Am. Univ. in Cairo: Forced Migration & Refugee Studies, Working Paper No. 1, 2002).
Encyclopedia Entries
Michael Kagan, Darfur, in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (MacMillan Reference 2d ed. 2008).
Michael Kagan on the Scholarly Commons