Publications - Nachman Gutowski
Disclosing the Machine: Trends, Policies, and Considerations of Artificial Intelligence Use in Law Review Authorship, __ Jacksonville U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming).
The Keystone State Should Forge a New Path to Lawyer Licensure, UNT Dallas L. Rev. On the Cusp (forthcoming).
Forging Ahead or Proceeding with Caution; Developing Policy for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Legal Education, __ U. Louisville L. Rev. __ (forthcoming) (with Jeremy Hurley).
Breaking the Cycle: Rethinking Bar Exam Scoring and Portability for NextGen Examinees, __ UNT Dallas L. Rev. __ (forthcoming) (with Steven Foster).
NextGen Licensure & Accreditation, 22 U.N.H. L. Rev. 311 (2024).
STOP THE COUNT; The Historically Discriminatory Nature of the Bar Exam Requires Adjustments in How Bar Passage Rates are Reported, If at All, 21 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 589 (2023).
Other Publications
Questioning the Inevitability of the NextGen Bar Examination (2024).
The NextGen of Licensing and Accreditation Reform, Raising the Bar, Summer 2024, at 7.
Commentary: Navigating the AI revolution: Challenges and opportunities in legal practice and education, Mich. Law. Wkly (Jan. 2024).
AI in Legal Education: Drafting Policies for Balancing Innovation and Integrity (Nov. 2023).
Complexities of Data Collection and Reporting (Nov. 2023).
How Are Bar Exam Results Reported?, Raising the Bar, Summer 2023, at 4.
Song Download and Performance Rights. Music Bus. J. (Nov 28. 2011)