
Public Interest Law Association Auction Raises $29,000 for Student Grants

The Public Interest Law Association (PILA) sponsored a successful auction that raised close to $29,000 on Feb. 25 at the Fremont Hotel & Casino. Last year's auction brought in $14,000.

PILA Auction Dinner Arrangement

"PILA raised almost $29,000 this year, which is more than double the previous record," Nick Portz, president of PILA, said. "With this money we can give anywhere from six to 10 PILA Summer Grants."

The auction had over 340 people attend, which included students, professors, judges, politicians and attorneys.

"First and foremost, having Justice Hardesty as PILA's first-ever honoree certainly increased attendance from the legal community," Portz said. "Our attendance record this year is more than four times as much as last year."

There were several different items that attendees could auction for such as: a Dodge Viper, an Andre Agassi signed autobiography, Lake Tahoe and Brian Head getaways and tickets to see the Green Bay Packers.

One of the most popular items auctioned this year was Professor Jeffrey Stempel's and Professor George Mader's offer to dress in chicken suits while teaching classes for a day.

"It was a brilliant idea. The students enjoyed it; the "tie" at the end was great and it raised $500," Portz said.

A number of different factors contributed to this year's success. There were several volunteers, friends, family members and PILA officers that helped put the auction together. Channel 8 News Las Vegas Anchor Dave Courvoisier was also the emcee for the night.

"Dave Courvoisier did a great job this year," Portz said. "We've always had an emcee. It helps keep things moving."

Currently, there are no plans yet for the 12th Annual PILA Auction, but Portz says, "That will be for the next group of incoming PILA Officers to decide."