Michael Saltman & Sonja Saltman

Michael Saltman is Managing General Partner and President of The Vista Group and a Member of the Dean’s Council at the Boyd School of Law. Sonja Saltman is Honorary Consul for Austria and a co-founder of the Existential Humanistic Institute. They are the co-founders of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution.
Tell me about your decision to serve on the Dean’s Council and what makes Boyd Law’s mission meaningful to you.
Michael: As for my reason for serving on the Dean's Council: anything that we can do to help the Boyd School of Law, locally or nationally, is always on our radar screen. The Dean’s Council is no exception. Boyd Law will continue to be highly ranked because of its terrific faculty, students and leadership, and a fabulous calling card for the UNLV brand nationwide. This was evident with the Brookings-UNLV co-sponsored water conference in Washington D.C.
What was your first or most memorable job?
Michael: My first and most memorable position was as a junior lawyer in a life insurance company in England learning re-insurance on the job. Living in London didn't hurt.
Sonja: My first job was working in the field of psychology when I first opened my private practice and started to see clients. Working with actual clients in need made me realize how different studying psychology was from practicing it. I decided quickly that I wanted more training to become a better therapist which turned out be very beneficial, both for me and for my clients. Now many years later I am providing this training myself to graduate students and young professionals.
What advice would you give to Boyd Law students?
Michael: My advice for the students would be to bear down when studying, be in serious study groups, ask a lot of questions, and seek legal work experience while in law school.
Sonja: I learned the value of doing things hands-on as well as learning from masters who are already working in the field, so I would advise students to gain as much practical experience as they can. It’s a great way to learn to apply all of the principles you learn through your studies and to learn from those who are experienced professionals.
What is your favorite travel destination?
Michael: My favorite two destinations would be the mountains of the Austrian Tirol and the aforesaid London, England.
Sonja: Austria and England are two of my favorite travel destinations. I grew up in Austria, so when I travel there, it always feels like I’m going home. In my twenties I spent a decade in England which became my second home, so I always love to visit it whenever I can.
Tell me about something you’ve read that’s made a difference to you.
Michael: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. I read a page every day, and I recommend this book to all.
Sonja: The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas. The heroine is faced with a difficult moral and emotional, even inhumane dilemma, and the book speaks to how to survive and deal with the aftermath of a decision nobody wants to have to make.