From Dean Dan - October 12, 2018

We have two great talks I want to highlight coming to the law school in the next two weeks.
First, we welcome Judge Evan Wallach of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Judge Wallach will present a talk on "The Law of War in the 21st Century" on Wednesday, October 17 at noon in the Faculty Lounge. He has served on the Federal Circuit since 2011. Before his appointment, Judge Wallach served for sixteen years as a judge of the Court of International Trade. He holds an LLB (Public International Law) from the University of Cambridge and a JD from U.C. Berkeley. At various times he was a Combat Engineer Reconnaissance Sergeant, an Army JAG officer in International Affairs dealing with Persian Gulf War POW and war crimes issues, a Partner at Lionel Sawyer, and the General Counsel and Public Policy Advisor to Sen. Harry Reid. He has taught and published extensively on the law of armed conflict and maintains a web site on the subject, and has served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, New York Law School, Brooklyn Law School, George Washington Law School and the University of Muenster. His book, The Law of War in the 21st Century, was published by Carolina Academic Press in 2017. He has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Air Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Nevada Medal of Merit. He is a member of the American Law Institute, of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Board of Directors of the Lieber Society of the American Society of International Law.
The following week, the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution welcomes Professor Ellen E. Deason, the Joanne Wharton Murphy/Classes of 1965 and 1973 Professor in Law at The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law. She will present:
"Beyond “Managerial Judges”: Appropriate Roles in Settlement" on Tuesday, October 23 at 6 p.m. in the Thomas & Mack Moot Courtroom. Professor Deason is nationally recognized as an authority in dispute resolution, and also does major scholarly work at the intersection of law and science. She served as a law clerk for Judge Harry T. Edwards on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Deason also was a legal assistant to Arbitrator Howard M. Holtzmann on the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal.
This talk is approved for one (1) CLE credit. Click here to RSVP.
Dean & Richard J. Morgan Professor of Law