Jim Rich
What is it about being a law librarian that inspires or motivates you?
The librarians at Boyd serve three types of patrons: law professors, students, and public patrons. Each interaction requires a different kind of approach and having that kind of variety keeps things interesting. But my favorite part of the job is working with students, most often our research assistants, journal staff, or 1Ls. It wasn't that long ago that I was a law student and an RA, so it's not hard to remember not knowing how to do something. The most satisfaction comes when a student that I have worked with before sends me an email or stops by my office with a new problem because that means that I was helpful the last time.
When students ask you what they should read outside the required textbooks and other law-related books, what do you suggest?
A 1L starting their second semester should seek out Examples & Explanations for Legal Research by Boyd's own Terrill Pollman, Jeanne Frazier Price, & Linda L. Berger. It's available in the library in print and online through our subscription to the Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library. I'd also recommend anything by Robert C. ("Bob") Berring, the former library director and dean at Berkeley Law and Cal's Library Science program. The Legal Research Survival Manual is a short, quick read and the online version through West Academic Study Aids has video modules. I also recommend downloading the Sum & Substance Audio (from West Academic) to your phone so you can listen while you drive or work out