Jim Rich

Professor Jim Rich
Professor Jim Rich

What’s the most important thing you are working on right now?

Two things.

I was part of the committee that recently selected a new research librarian. I’m happy to say they’ll be joining us in the next few weeks. During the worst of COVID, we had a hiring freeze, so we’re all pretty happy to be able to start adding new staff. On the other hand, we’ll be losing Prof. David McClure very soon, and I don’t think many people outside the library really know how much he does for our faculty and students. We’ll miss him very much.

The other thing is I took on the role of student services librarian right before the beginning of the semester. So I’ve been making sure that everyone has access to Westlaw/TWEN, Lexis+, Bloomberg, CALI, and everything else they need from the library in order to succeed. Being back on campus has kept us pretty busy since both the 1Ls and the 2Ls haven’t gotten to know their way around the library.

When students ask you what they should read outside the required textbooks and other law-related books, what do you suggest?

Although they have plenty to read, 1Ls should skim through at least one book on law school success during their first semester. One I like that is blessedly short is called Hard-Nosed Advice from a Cranky Law Professor. It is full of great tips along with some good humor. There’s also some options on law school success and test-taking in audio and video format in the West Academic Study Aids package.

Between the Fall and Spring semesters, 1Ls should read something on legal research since the research component of the Lawyering Process becomes more crucial. Berring and Levy's The Legal Research Survival Manual is a great overview that is quick read and there are video and audio options as well.