Andrea Vieira

Andrea Vieira
Andrea Vieira

You were born in Brazil. Do you still have ties there?

Yes. My aunt, uncle, cousins, and their children and grandchildren are all in Brazil. I also have my daughter's godparents and many friends. The only people I have in the U.S. are my mom and my daughter Kailah, who was born here. 

What are you most excited to do once our "stay at home" life is a thing of the past?

A wise man said, "I drink, and I know things." Once this stay-at-home, social distancing life is behind us, I would like to have a drink with my friends and be able to practice law and put the things that I have learned in law school into practice. I'm most excited to go back to the life I was used to having.

And you graduate in a matter of days. What will you miss the most about your time at Boyd?

I will miss the learning experience. I got my degree later in life. I spent over 15 years working and being a parent before I started law school. Only in law school was I able to read, study, contemplate, and spend time learning things, some of which were completely foreign to me. In the end, everything I learned came together. Law school made my understanding of the world, life, politics, society, and myself deeper and richer.

Doughnuts or muffins?

Definitely doughnuts. I don't really eat muffins… unless they are chocolate… or the lemon and poppy seed muffins from the UNLV cafe in the hospitality building!