
Kyle Hill

Kyle Hill
Kyle Hill

You were a special education teacher in the Washoe County School District for several years. Tell us about that experience.

I worked in special education for almost 10 years in Reno. The students I had the opportunity to work with are amazing individuals with moderate to severe disabilities, including intellectual disabilities and autism. I was able to learn a lot about myself from working with them. They are, and will forever be, a huge inspiration to me. They showed me that no matter how hard something seems, you can accomplish what you set out to do if you truly believe you will.

What made you decide to go to law school?

I had wanted to go to law school following my undergraduate, but decided not to because I thought I wouldn’t be accepted. Turns out you can’t get in if you don’t apply, so after some soul searching, I decided to follow through and just do it. The phone call I received from [Director of Admissions and Financial Aid] Brian Wall is one of the happiest moments I can remember!

In what ways did your first year of law school surprise you?

Well, I would say the biggest surprise to me was how accessible and friendly the faculty and students in the school are. Prior to classes beginning, I had a stereotypical view of law school as mean professors and mean classmates. At least for Boyd, the professors are supportive and encouraging, and the other students are friendly and always great to have a lively discussion with.

How good a bowler are you?

I’m alright. I participated in leagues and tournaments, but I am most proud of the high school team I coached. Teaching young bowlers about the game was very rewarding, and it helped make me a better bowler than I had been before starting.