Making an Impact

Thanks to several students, alumni and faculty of the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV, four new laws were passed during the 82nd Legislative Session. Laws passed included funding for the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, an update of state gaming regulation requirement, new feminine hygiene product labeling, and environmental justice assistance for a local neighborhood.
AB328 provides $500,000 each year to the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic at the William S. Boyd School of Law over the next two years. This helps to further fund the Community Advocacy Office, as well as provide support to the many other clinics that are under the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic umbrella. AB328 went into effect July 1, 2023.
SB266 was passed, with LLM alumnus Doug Billing’s and Professor Becky Harris’ assistance. The passage of SB266 removes a requirement that Nevada companies provide state gaming regulators copies of all documents filed in other jurisdictions. Instead, the companies just need to inform the control board of their gaming operations in another jurisdiction. The bill took effect on July 1, 2023.
AB169 was passed with help from current student Kelsey Lamph. The new law requires companies selling feminine hygiene products in Nevada to list specific ingredients on the label that have been identified as carcinogenic, linked to neurotoxicity, toxic to reproductive organs or designated as a “priority pollutant” in Nevada water. It also requires manufacturers to list harmful chemicals on their websites. The bill will take effect on January 1, 2025.
SB450 was passed with assistance from Professor Frank Fritz, Boyd alumni Sebastian Ross and Candace Mays, and part-time student Alco Robinson. SB450, the Windsor Park Environmental Justice Act, was approved by Governor Lombardo on June 16, 2023. The signed act established a relocation program for the affected residents whose homes have been damaged by the sinking ground and gave the affected residents a chance to exchange their damaged homes for a newly constructed residence adjacent to Windsor Park.