
Pipeline Programs

Justice Douglas PreLaw Fellowship

The Justice Michael L. Douglas PreLaw Fellowship Program aims to introduce students from underrepresented communities to law school, highlight the benefits of legal education, and ensure participants have essential information to help them navigate the law school admission process. This includes a one-week, in-residence summer program that provides first-generation and diverse students with information, resources, and connections to mentors. In addition, we are working to build a pipeline of potential law students through elementary and high school visits and high school field trips. Exposing students to law school and the legal community at an early age helps plant the idea that a legal career is possible. This program is funded through private donations and grants, including support from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) and the Nevada Bar Foundation. The Justice Douglas Program Endowment was recently established through a generous gift by Will T. and Brianne M. Sykes.