William S. Boyd Professor of Law
Ann C. McGinley is the William S. Boyd Professor of Law at the Boyd School of Law of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she has taught Employment Law, Employment Discrimination, Torts Law, Disability Law, and seminars on employment and gender since 1999. Professor McGinley is the co-director of the Workplace Law Program and a member of the Health Law Program at Boyd School of Law. Professor McGinley is an internationally recognized scholar in the areas of employment, disability, and torts law and a leader in Multidimensional Masculinities Theory, an emerging discipline that applies masculinities theory from social sciences to legal interpretation. She has published more than fifty law review articles and book chapters. She is the author of Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination Through a Different Lens (NYU Press 2016). This book uses masculinities theory to analyze Title VII employment discrimination cases and to propose new applications of the law. McGinley is the editor of Masculinities and the Law: A Multidimensional Approach (NYU Press 2012) (with Frank Rudy Cooper) and the author of Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, Sixth Edition (Carolina Academic Press 2017) and Disability Law: Statutory Appendix: Federal Statutes and Regulations, Fifth Edition (LexisNexis).
Professor McGinley has lectured at many universities across the country, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Boston Universities, and the University of Southern California. She is a Visiting Foreign Professor at the University of Adolfo Ibañez in Santiago, Chile where she lectures in Spanish about U.S. civil rights law. She has also lectured on American Tort Law in Como, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, and published a chapter in Spanish on Current Trends in American Tort Law. She lectured on masculinity and American policing and on masculinities and employment discrimination law in May 2017 at Tel Aviv University in Israel. She has recently returned from Chile and Spain, where she researched gender and the labor conditions of lawyers in both countries by interviewing over 130 lawyers and judges. She is continuing her research on gender and lawyers in the U.S.
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Professor of Law and Distinguished University Scholar
University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law
Laura Rothstein began her work in legal education in 1976 serving on the faculties at five law schools. Most recently she joined the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville as Professor of Law and Dean in 2000 (serving as dean until 2005). During her service in legal education, she has written sixteen books and dozens of book chapters, articles, and other works on disability discrimination, covering a broad range of issues, with an emphasis on disability discrimination in higher education and special education.
Professor Rothstein’s work to promote diversity and raise awareness on issues of disability, gender, and race have been recognized in recent awards. These include the 2015 Brandeis School of Law Award for Teacher of the Year, 2012 University of Louisville Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research & Creative Activity; Excellence in Achievement Award; the Women’s Law Association of Jefferson County (2011) (honoring significant contributions to the legal profession); and the February 2011 William A. Kaplin Award for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy Scholarship, from the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy, Stetson Law School. She uses her scholarship as an “advocate through education” and hopes to influence policy and practice by increasing awareness and understanding of disability rights issues.
She received her B.A. in Political Science from the University of Kansas and her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.
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