The UNLV Health Law Program is particularly proud of its scholarly culture and publication record. Program Faculty pursue distinct and complementary research, publishing in a wide variety of areas relating to health and law. Recent health-related scholarship of Program faculty is listed below.

Joseph A Raho, Katherine Brown-Saltzman, Stanley G Korenman, Fredda Weiss, David Orentlicher et al., Ethics of Organ Procurement from the Unrepresented Patient Population, 45 Journal of Medical Ethics 751 (2019).

David OrentlicherPolitical Dysfunction and Constitutional Structure, 54 Tulsa Law Review 315 (2019).

Stacey A. Tovino, Going Rogue: Mobile Research Applications and the Right to Privacy, Notre Dame L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2019).

Stacey A. Tovino, A Timely Right to Privacy, 104 Iowa L. Rev. 1361 (2019).

Stacey A. Tovino, Mobile Research Applications and State Data Protection Statutes, J.L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2019) (grant work product).

Stacey A. Tovino, Mobile Research Applications and State Research Laws, J.L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2019) (grant work product).

Stacey A. Tovino, Privacy and Security Issues in mHealth Research, J. L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2019) (grant work product).

Mark A. Rothstein, John T. Wilbanks, Laura M. Beskow, Kathleen M. Brelsford, Kyle B. Brothers, Megan Doerr, Catherine M. Hammack, Michelle L. McGowan & Stacey A. Tovino, Unregulated Health Research Using Mobile Devices: Ethical Considerations and Policy Recommendations, J.L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2019) (grant work product).

Mark A. Rothstein & Stacey A. Tovino, California Takes the Lead on Data Privacy, 49(5) Hastings Ctr. Rpt. 4 (2019) (peer-reviewed journal article).

Mark A. Rothstein & Stacey A. Tovino, Privacy Risks of Interoperable Health Records Require Segmentation, J.L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2019) (peer-reviewed journal article).

Stacey A. Tovino, State Benchmark Plan Coverage of Opioid Use Disorder Treatments and Services: Trends and Limitations, 70 S.C. L. Rev. 763 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Fraud, Abuse, and Opioids, 67 Kan. L. Rev. 901 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. TovinoSubstance Use Disorder Insurance Benefits: A Survey of State Benchmark Plans, 52 Creighton L. Rev. 401 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Florida Law, Mobile Research Applications, and the Right to Privacy, 43 Nova L. Rev. 353 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, AALS Section on Torts and Compensation Systems Bestows William L. Prosser Award upon Kenneth W. Simons, 12 J. Tort L. 1 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Tort Law and Health Law: Intersections and Opportunities, 12 J. Tort L. 5 (2019) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. TovinoHIPAA Compliance: Illustrations and Evidence, in Cambridge Handbook of Compliance __ (D. Daniel Sokol & Benjamin van Rooij eds., Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2019) (invited chapter).

Stacey A. Tovino, Rewriting Lisa M. v. Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tort Opinions __ (Martha Chamallas & Lucinda Findley eds., forthcoming 2019).

Stacey A. Tovino, Problem Gambling and the Business Lawyer, in What Every Business Lawyer Needs to Know About Gaming Law __ (Keith Miller ed. 2019) (invited chapter).

Sara Gordon, About a Revolution: Toward Integrated Treatment in Drug & Mental Health Courts, 97 N.C. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2018).

Mary Anne Bobinski, David Orentlicher, Glenn Cohen and Mark Hall, Bioethics and Public Health Law (4th ed., Wolters Kluwer 2018).

Mark Hall, David Orentlicher, Mary Anne Bobinski, Nicolas Bagley and Glenn Cohen, Health Care Law and Ethics (9th ed., Wolters Kluwer 2018).

David Orentlicher, Law, Religion, and Health Care, 8 UC Irvine Law Review 617 (2018) (invited symposium).

David Orentlicher, Health Care Reform: What Has Been Accomplished? What Comes Next?, 44 Ohio Northern University Law Review 397 (2018) (invited symposium).

David Orentlicher, Healthcare, Health, and Income, 46 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 567 (2018) (invited symposium).

David Orentlicher, The Physician’s Duty to Treat During Pandemics, 108(11) American Journal of Public Health 1459 (2018) (invited symposium).

David Orentlicher, Politics and the Supreme Court: The Need for Ideological Balance, 79 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 411 (2018).

Stacey A. Tovino, A Right to Care, 70 Ala. L. Rev. 183 (2018).

Megan Collins, Steven Rum, Jane Wheeler, Karen Antman, Henry Brem, Joseph Carrese, Michelle Glennon, Jeffrey Kahn, E. Magnus Ohman, Reshma Jagsi, Sara Konrath, Stacey Tovino, Scott Wright & Jeremy Sugarman, Ethical Issues and Recommendations in Grateful Patient Fundraising and Philanthropy, 93 Academic Med. 1631 (2018).

Stacey A. Tovino, Patient Privacy: Problems, Perspectives, and Opportunities, 27 Annals Health L. 243 (2018) (invited symposium).

Maxim Gakh & Lainie Rutkow, Lessons from Public Health Legal Preparedness to Operationalize Health in All Policies, J. L. Med. & Ethics __ (forthcoming 2017).

Sara Gordon, The Use and Abuse of Mutual Support Programs in Drug Courts, Illinois L. Rev. 1503 (2017).

Laura Rothstein & Ann C. McGinley, Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems (Carolina Academic Press 2017).

Laura Rothstein & Ann C. McGinley, Teachers' Manual for Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems, Sixth Edition (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2017).

Ann McGinley, Subsidized Egg Freezing in Employment: Autonomy, Coercion, or Discrimination?, 20 Employee Rights & Emp. Pol’y J.331 (2017) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, On Health, Law, and Religion, 74 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1623 (2017).

Stacey A. Tovino, Disparities in Private Health Insurance Coverage of Skilled Care, 6 Laws 21 (2017) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, The EU GDPR and the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Illustrative Comparisons, 47 Seton Hall L. Rev. 973 (2017) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Teaching the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 61 St. Louis U. L. J. 469 (2017) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Dying Fast: Suicide in Individuals with Gambling Disorder, 10 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol'y 159 (2017) (invited symposium).

Sara Gordon, Crossing the Line: Daubert, Dual Roles, and the Admissibility of Forensic Mental Health Testimony, 37 Cardozo L. Rev. 1345 (2016).

Sara Gordon, The Danger Zone: How the Dangerous Standard in Civil Commitment Proceedings Harms People with Serious Mental Illness, 66 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 657 (2016).

Leslie C. Griffin, Harris v. McRae, 448 U.S. 297 (1980), in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court (Linda Berger, Bridget Crawford & Kathryn Stanchi eds., Cambridge University Press 2016).

Leslie C. Griffin, Amicus Brief on Behalf of Catholics for Choice and Nine Catholic Organizations in Zubik v. Burwell, Nos. 14-1418 et al., United States Supreme Court (2016).

David Orentlicher, Controlling Health Care Spending: More Patient ‘Skin in the Game?,13 Indiana Health Law Review 348 (2016) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, International Perspectives on Physician Assistance in Dying, 46(6) Hastings Center Report 6 (2016)

David Orentlicher, Off-Label Marketing, the First Amendment, and Federalism, 50 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 89 (2016) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, Presumed Consent to Organ Donation, in Nudging Health: Health Law and Behavioral Economics (Cohen, Lynch & Robertson eds. 2016)

David Orentlicher, Thaddeus Pope & Ben Rich, Clinical Criteria for Physician Aid in Dying, 19 Journal of Palliative Medicine 259 (2016)

Stacey A. Tovino, Of Mice and Men: On the Seclusion of Immigration Detainees and Hospital Patients, 100 Minn. L. Rev. 2381 (2016).

Stacey A. Tovino, The Grapes of Wrath: On the Health of Immigration Detainees, 57 B.C. L. Rev. 167 (2016).

Stacey A. TovinoThe House Edge: On Gambling and Professional Discipline, 91 Wash. L. Rev. 1253 (2016).

Stacey A. Tovino, Gambling Disorder, Vulnerability, and the Law: Mapping the Field, 16 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 102 (2016) (invited symposium).

Claudia Polsky, Kendall Stagg, Maxim Gakh & Christine T. Bozlak, The Health in All Policies (HiAP) Approach and Law: Preliminary Lessons from California and Chicago, 43 J. L. Med. & Ethics 52 (2015).

Maxim Gakh, Law, the "Health in All Polices" Approach, and Cross-Sector Collaboration, 130 Pub. Health Rep. 96 (2015).

Leslie C. Griffin & Joan H. Krause, Practicing Bioethics Law (Foundation Press 2015).

Leslie C. Griffin, A Word of Warning from a Woman: Arbitrary, Categorical, and Hidden Religious Exemptions Threaten LGBT Rights, 7 Ala. C.R. & C.L.L. Rev. 97 (2015).

Leslie C. Griffin, The Catholic Bishops vs. the Contraceptive Mandate, 6 Religions 1411 (2015).

Leslie C. Griffin, Hobby Lobby: The Crafty Case That Threatens Women's Rights and Religious Freedom, 42 Hastings Const. L.Q. 641 (2015).

David Orentlicher, Medicaid at 50: No Longer Limited to the ‘Deserving’ Poor?, 15 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics 185 (2015) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, Societal Disregard for the Needs of the Infertile, in Oxford Handbook of Reproductive Health (Francis ed. 2015)

Stacey A. Tovino, Will Neuroscience Redefine Mental Injury?, 12 Ind. Health L. Rev. 695 (2015) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, The DSM-5: Implications for Health Law, 2015 Utah L. Rev. 767 (2015) (invited symposium).

Maxim Gakh & Joan H. Krause, Practicing Bioethics Law, 42 J. L. Med. & Ethics 64 (2014).

Maxim Gakh, Curriculum Recommendations for Disaster Health Professionals, Pub. Health L. In Disasters (2014).

Lainie Rutkow, Jon S. Vernick, Maxim Gakh, Jennifer Siegel, Corl B. Thompson & Daniel J. Barnett, The Public Health Workforce and Willingness to Respond to Emergencies: An Analysis of Influential State Laws, 42 J. L. Med. & Ethics 64 (2014).

Laura Rothstein & Ann C. McGinley, Disability Law: Cases, Materials, Problems (LexisNexis 5th ed. 2010 & Supps. 2011-2014).

David Orentlicher, Aging Populations and Physician Aid in Dying: The Evolution of State Government Policy, 48 Indiana Law Review 111 (2014) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, Employer-Based Health Care Insurance: Not So Exceptional After All, 36 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review 541 (2014) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, Concussions and Sports: Introduction, 42 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 281 (2014) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, Thaddeus Pope & Ben Rich, The Changing Legal Climate for Physician Aid in Dying, 311 JAMA 1961 (2014)

David Orentlicher, Health Care Reform and Efforts to Encourage Healthy Behavior by Individuals, 92 North Carolina Law Review 1637 (2014) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, The Future of the Affordable Care Act: Protecting Economic Health More Than Physical Health? , 51 Houston Law Review 1057 (2014) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, A Restatement of Health Care Law, 79 Brooklyn Law Review 435 (2014) (invited symposium)

Stacey A. Tovino, I Need a Doctor: A Critique of Government Financing of Graduate Medical Education, 71 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 2431 (2014).

Stacey A. Tovino, Lost in the Shuffle: How Health and Disability Laws Hurt Disordered Gamblers, 89 Tul. L. Rev. 191 (2014).

Stacey A. Tovino, Silence Is Golden … Except in Health Care Philanthropy, 48 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1157 (2014).

Stacey A. Tovino, Giving Thanks: The Ethics of Grateful Patient Fundraising, 103 Ky. L.J. 199 (2014).

Maxim Gakh, Jon S. Vernick & Lainie Rutkow, Using Gubernatorial Executive Orders to Advance Public Health, 128 Pub. Health Rep. 127 (2013).

Laura Rothstein & Ann McGinley, Disability Law:  Statutory Appendix: Federal Statutes and Regulations (LexisNexis 2013).

David Orentlicher, NFIB v. Sebelius: Proportionality in the Exercise of Congressional Power, 2013 Utah Law Review 463

David Orentlicher, The FDA’s Graphic Tobacco Warnings and the First Amendment, 369 New England Journal of Medicine 204 (2013)

David Orentlicher, Deactivating Implanted Cardiac Devices: Euthanasia or the Withdrawal of Treatment? , 39 William Mitchell Law Review 1287 (2013) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher & William David, Concussion and Football: Failures to Respond by the NFL and the Medical Profession, 8 Florida International University Law Review 17 (2013) (invited symposium)

Stacey A. Tovino, A "Common" Proposal, 50 Hou. L. Rev. 787 (2013).

Stacey A. Tovino, Conflicts of Interest in Medicine, Research, and Law: A Comparison, 117 Penn. St. L. Rev. 1291 (2013).

Stacey A. Tovino, Gone Too Far: Federal Regulation of Health Care Attorneys, 91 Or. L. Rev. 813 (2013).

Stacey A. Tovino, Insurance and Parity Laws, in Mental Health Care Issues In America: An Encyclopedia, Vol. I, 350-57 (Michael Shally-Jensen ed., 2013).

Stacey A. Tovino, Introduction: Under the Knife: Health Law, Health Care Reform, and Beyond, 13 Nev. L.J. 641 (2013) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Rights of Patients with Mental Health Conditions, in Mental Health Care Issues In America: An Encyclopedia, Vol. II, 690-97 (Michael Shally-Jensen ed., 2013).

Jon S. Vernick, Maxim Gakh & Lainie Rutkow, Emergency Detention of Persons with Certain Mental Disorders during Public Health Disasters:  Legal and Policy Issues, 7(4) Am. J. Disaster Med. 295 (2012).

Leslie C. Griffin, Letter on Behalf of ACA Contraceptive Mandate, Cong. Rec., Aug. 1, 2012, at E1369.

Aaron Kesselheim & David Orentlicher, Insights from a National Conference: ‘Conflicts of Interest in the Practice of Medicine,’ >40 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 436 (2012)

David Orentlicher, Rights to Health Care in the United States: Inherently Unstable, 38 American Journal of Law & Medicine 326 (2012)

David Orentlicher, Toward Acceptance of Uterus Transplants, 42(6) Hastings Center Report 12 (2012)

Stacey A. Tovino, All Illnesses Are (Not) Created Equal: Reforming Federal Mental Health Insurance Law, 49 Harv. J. Legis. 1 (2012).

Stacey A. Tovino, Further Support for Mental Health Parity Law and Mandatory Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits, 21 Annals Health L. 147 (2012) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, HIPAA Privacy for Physicians, 17 Pathology Case Rev. 160 (2012).

Stacey A. Tovino, Medico-Legal Issues in Neuroimaging, in Neuroethics in Practice 105-19 (Martha Farah & Anjan Chatterjee eds., Oxford University Press 2012).

Stacey A. Tovino, A Proposal for Comprehensive and Specific Essential Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits, 38 Am. J. L. & Med. 471 (2012) (invited symposium).

David Orentlicher, Constitutional Challenges to the Health Care Mandate: Based in Politics, Not Law, 160 University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra 19 (2011)

David Orentlicher, Controlling Health Care Costs through Public, Transparent Processes: The Conflict between the Morally Right and the Socially Feasible, 36 Journal of Corporation Law 807 (2011) (invited symposium)

David Orentlicher, The Commercial Speech Doctrine in Health Regulation: The Clash Between the Public Interest in a Robust First Amendment and the Public Interest in Effective Protection from Harm, 37 American Journal of Law & Medicine 299 (2011)

David Orentlicher, Cost Containment and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 6 Florida International University Law Review 65 (2011) (invited symposium)

Stacey A. Tovino, Reforming State Mental Health Parity Law, 11 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol'y 455 (2011).

Stacey A. Tovino, Women's Neuroethics, in Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics (Judy Illes & Barbara Sahakian eds., Oxford University Press, 2011).

Stacey A. Tovino, Medical Privacy, in Governing America: Major Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Governments from 1789 to the Present (Paul Quirk & William Cunion eds. 2011).

Lucinda Jesson & Stacey A. Tovino, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Law (Carolina Academic Press, 2010). 

Stacey A. Tovino, Scientific Understandings of Postpartum Illness: Improving Health Law and Policy? 33 Harv. J. L & Gender 99 (2010).

Jennifer Bard, Thom Mayo, & Stacey A. Tovino, Three Ways of Looking at a Health Law and Literature Class, 1(2) Drexel L. Rev. 512 (2009) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Remarks: Neuroscience, Gender, and the Law, 42(3) Akron L. Rev. 941 (2009) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Neuroscience and Health Law: An Integrative Approach? 42(2) Akron L. Rev. 469 (2009) (invited symposium).

Stacey A. Tovino, Incidental Findings: A Common Law Approach, 15 Accountability Res. 242 (2009).

Stacey A. Tovino, Neuroimaging Research into Disorders of Consciousness: Moral Imperative or Legal and Ethics Failure? 13 Va. J. L. & Tech. 2 (2008).

Stacey A. Tovino, The Impact of Neuroscience on Health Law, 1(2) Neuroethics 73 (2008).

Leslie C. Griffin, The Story of Edwards v. Aguillard: The Genesis of Creation-Science, in Education Stories 255-67 (Michael Olivas & Ronna Schneider eds., Foundation Press 2007). 

Stacey A. Tovino, Functional Neuroimaging Information: A Case for Neuro Exceptionalism? 34 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 415 (2007).

Stacey A. Tovino, Psychiatric Restraint and Seclusion: Resisting Legislative Solution, 47 Santa Clara L. Rev. 511 (2007).

Stacey A. Tovino, Imaging Body Structure and Mapping Brain Function: A Historical Approach, 33 Am. J. L & Med. 193 (2007).

Stacey A. Tovino, Neuroimaging and the Law: Trends and Directions for Future Scholarship, 7(9) Am. J. Bioethics-Neuroscience 44 (2007).

Leslie C. Griffin, Conscience and Emergency Contraception, 6 Hou. J. Health L. & Pol'y 299 (2006).

Stacey A. Tovino, The Visible Brain: Confidentiality and Privacy Implications of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (University of Texas Medical Branch, Institute for Medical Humanities, 2006).

Stacey A. Tovino, Incorporating Literature into a Health Law Curriculum, 9 J. Med. & L. 213 (2005).

Stacey A. Tovino, Hospital Chaplaincy under the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Health Care or "Just Visiting the Sick?" 2 Ind. Health L. Rev. 51 (2005).

William J. Winslade & Stacey A. Tovino, A Primer on the Law and Ethics of Treatment, Research, and Public Policy in the Context of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 14 Annals Health L. 1 (2005).

Stacey A. Tovino, Confidentiality and Privacy Implications of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33 J. L. Med. & Ethics 844 (2005).

Stacey A. Tovino & William J. Winslade, Research with Brain-Injured Subjects, 19 J. Head Trauma Rehab. 513 (2004).

Stacey A. Tovino, American Midwifery Litigation and State Legislative Preferences for Physician-Controlled Childbirth, 11 Cardozo Women's L. J. 61 (2004).

Stacey A. Tovino, The Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information for Research under the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Unrealized Patient Autonomy and Burdensome Government Regulation, 49 S.D. L. Rev. 447 (2004).

Leslie C. Griffin, What Might Have Been: Contraception and Religious Liberty, 1 U. St. Thomas L.J. 632 (2003).

Leslie C. Griffin, Evangelium Vitae: Abortion, in Evangelium Vitae 159-73 (Kevin William Wildes & Alan Mitchell eds., Georgetown University Press 1997); reprinted in C. Curran & R. McCormick, eds., Readings In Moral Theology No. 10 (1998).

Ann McGinley, Aspirations and Reality in the Law and Politics of Health Care Reform: Examining a Symposium on (E)qual(ity) Care for the Poor, 60 Brook. L. Rev. 7 (1994) (invited symposium).

Leslie C. Griffin, American Catholic Sexual Ethics 1789-1989, in Perspectives on the American Catholic Church, 1789-1989, 231-52 (Stephen Vicchio & Virginia Geiger eds., 1989); reprinted in Charles E. Curran & Richard McCormick eds., Readings in Moral Theology No. 8, 453-84 (1993).