Cristian Gonzalez Perez '21
![Cristian Gonzalez Perez '21](/sites/default/files/Cristian%20Gonzalez%20Perez%20photo.jpg)
What do you enjoy in your off hours?
In my off hours I try to relax and pass the time either by playing video games with my friends online or catching up on my shows and watching Formula One races on the weekend. Adapting to working “normal hours” from 8-5 and finally having the weekends off to enjoy has been a fun experience and not having to worry about school work definitely has led to feeling less stressed and anxious about preparing for a possible cold call.
How big of a challenge is time?
Adapting to the change of being a student to now working full time as a law clerk would have to be the biggest challenge in terms of time management. Getting used to having free time and being able to enjoy it to the fullest is a positive challenge I enjoy undertaking. On the flip side being able to manage writing briefs and keeping up with the Court docket has been fun
Do you have a motto and what is it?
“Hope for the best but plan for the worst and no matter what keep moving forward.”