Jeremy Aguero '04

What type of projects does Applied Analysis focus on?
As a principal analyst for Applied Analysis, a leading economic, fiscal and policy research firm based in Southern Nevada, I am often sought out for insights on local, state and regional economic issues.
My 20-year work history demonstrates a wide range of abilities, such as performing countless economic and fiscal impact assessments for projects of local, regional and national significance. Some of our major projects include The Hospitality Industry’s Impact on the State of Nevada, delivered to the Federal Gaming Impact Study Commission in 1998. In 2003, I chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Tax Policy’s technical working group, co-authoring its 1,400-page report and ultimately receiving a Good Government Award from the Nevada Taxpayers Association.
In 2014 and 2015, our firm worked with Governor Brian Sandoval and legislative leadership to reform Nevada’s tax structure in support of the Governor’s education reform program. And, since 2016, I worked as the lead staff to the Southern Nevada Tourism Infrastructure Task Force, and then, the Las Vegas Stadium Authority. This project was especially rewarding as our firm was credited as playing a key role in both the $1.8-billion Raiders Stadium Project and the $1.4-billion Las Vegas Convention Center Renovation and Expansion Project.
I understand you had a mentor who was very helpful to you?
Yes, definitely. I credit much of my career success to mentorship received from the late Dr. Shannon Bybee. Professor Bybee helped me find a path and then paved it with encouragement and expectation. He never let me forget that ability is a gift and opportunity is borne more from hard work than circumstance. Paying it forward is simple. The lessons Professor Bybee shared with me I now share with my children, interns and colleagues. This may very well be the greatest gift he gave me. I’m guessing he knew that too.
Tell us about your teaching at UNLV and philanthropic involvement in the community?
I have taught hotel law as an adjunct professor at UNLV and, as a distinguished professor of practice, have also taught classes about using data in research for UNLV’s College of Urban Affairs. Currently I serve on the board of advisors for Nevada State Bank; am a member of the R&R Foundation Board; the former president and current treasurer of Nevada Child Seekers; and immediate past chairman of Opportunity Village’s ARC Board.