From Dean Dan - October 5, 2018

I am delighted to share ongoing good news from our Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic. The clinical program at Boyd regularly demonstrates the impact the law school and its students have on our community.
Students in our Appellate Clinic, directed by Professor Anne Traum, recently won a pro bono family law appeal in the Nevada Supreme Court, Herzog v. Herzog. The Clinic provides our students a wonderful opportunity to pursue appeals and present oral arguments in state and federal courts. Congratulations to students Annie Avery, Andrew Clark, Sabrina Clymer, and Alex Velto (all class of 2018).
The UNLV Immigration Clinic was once again recognized for its valuable work. On Sept. 20, Professor Michael Kagan, Bernstein Fellow Laura Barrera and University Legal Services Fellow Mayra Salinas-Menjivar were honored as "Unsung Heroes in Our Community" by the Asian American Advocacy Clinic.
Professor Terry Pollman, the founder of our number one ranked Lawyering Process Program, has been selected by the Association of Legal Writing Directors and the Legal Writing Institute as the winner of the 2019 Thomas F. Blackwell Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Legal Writing. This distinguished award is presented annually to a person who has "made an outstanding contribution to improve the field of legal writing by demonstrating an ability to nurture and motivate students to excellence, a willingness to help other legal writing educators improve their teaching skills or their legal writing programs, and an ability to create and integrate new ideas for teaching and motivating legal writing educator and students." The award will be presented on January 4 at the 2019 AALS Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
Dean & Richard J. Morgan Professor of Law