Priscilla Baker ('14)

Where are you serving?
I serve as a Senior Deputy District Attorney in the Churchill County District Attorney’s Office.
How long have you been in this office?
I have worked in this office for 6 years.
What does your typical week involve?
I deal with crimes against people, so I handle cases from beginning to end each week. Our cases are either in justice court or district court. We have only five criminal attorneys because our county is so small. Every week is different!
What do you enjoy most about serving your community?
I like being in a small community and living in Fallon; I like to serve victims - being a voice and advocate for them, as well as serving the defendants who often come back to thank me later for what I did. I have heard from people who thanked me for getting them into the treatment they needed.
Can you share an interesting story or memory from your role?
One day, I got a card in the mail from the mother of a defendant. She was appreciative of my help in getting her daughter to stop using drugs, get into treatment, and hold her accountable. They were able to get their relationship back. I appreciate making an impact and a difference in my community.