The UNLV Health Law Program offers law students currently enrolled at the William S. Boyd School of Law the opportunity to concentrate their elective studies in health law. Health care law is one of the fastest growing specialties in legal practice today. With health care accounting for nearly 20 percent of the U.S. GDP, and government regulations reaching into all corners of the delivery setting, the UNLV Health Law Concentration prepares law students for careers in a wide range of practices. Students can focus on the law of health care organization and finance, bioethics, public health, or medical malpractice, and they can pursue externships in hospital or state agency settings. Students who wish to concentrate in health law shall meet the following requirements:

1. Health Law Informational Session

Attend (and sign in at) at least one Health Law Informational Session. The Informational Sessions are designed to introduce students to the field of health law, review the health law courses that are offered during the upcoming academic year, and provide general guidance regarding courses that may be helpful to complete before pursuing a particular health law career.  At least one day and one evening Informational Session will be held each semester as part of the Whaddup Wednesday series.  Students will be informed of the days and times of the Whaddup Wednesday Informational Sessions through e-mails sent to the entire student body.


2. Health Law Faculty Supervisor 

Select a Health Law Faculty Supervisor (Supervisor) from the following list of faculty: Professor Max Gakh or Professor David Orentlicher. Meet with your Supervisor and, together with your Supervisor, select classes that will help prepare you for your desired career in health law and/or that will provide a broad background in health law.

3.  List A Courses

Take at least twelve (12), but no more than fifteen (15), course hours from the following list of courses and earn a minimum grade of B- in each such course:
  • Bioethics and the Law
  • Cannabis Law and Policy
  • Disability Law
  • Employee Benefits
  • Health Care Access, Quality, and Liability (Health Law I)
  • Health Care Fraud & Abuse
  • Health Care Law and Ethics for Managers
  • Health Care Organization and Finance (Health Law II)
  • Health Law Legislative Advocacy and Drafting
  • HIPAA Privacy
  • Mental Health Law
  • Public Health Law
  • Public Health Policy: Integrating Theory and Practice

4.  List B Options

If only twelve (12) hours of List A courses are taken, complete at least three (3) additional hours through one of the following options: 
(1) write a health-related paper (e.g., seminar paper, capstone paper, directed research paper, or journal note) and earn a minimum grade of B- on any seminar, capstone, or directed research paper; 
(2) complete a health law externship (e.g., University Medical Center, Southern Nevada Health District, UNLV Kerkorian School of Medicine, Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board);
(3) participate in an approved health law moot court competition; or 
(4) complete another course that supports the student's interest in health law and earn a minimum grade of a B- in that course. Students who wish to pursue this fourth option under List B shall meet with the Director of the Health Law Program and obtain prior approval before registering for a course that supports the student's interest in health law.

5.  3.0 Grade Point Average in List A Courses and List B Options

Maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in all List A courses and, if they are graded, List B options. 

6.  Approved Health Law Events  

Attend the entirety of (and sign in at) at least five (5) Approved Health Law Events during law school. Approved Health Law Events include Health Law Speaker Series events as well as certain other health-related conferences, symposia, continuing legal education programs, and guest lectures. Students who wish to receive e-mail notifications of upcoming Approved Health Law Events shall email the Director of the Health Law Program and ask to be placed on the Health Law Concentration Students listserv.

7. Certify Completion of the Health Law Concentration Requirements

In your final semester of law school, complete the online Health Law Concentration application in My BoydLaw (login required). The Director of the Health Law Program will review your application, confirm your completion of the Concentration requirements, and notify the law school administration that you shall be awarded the Health Law Concentration. A letter certifying your completion of the Concentration requirements shall be maintained on file in the Dean’s Suite and made available to each student upon request.