Clinical Legal Education
Clinical legal education is a method of teaching in which students learn substantive law and practice in the context of real or simulated problems or cases. The purpose of live client clinics like the Immigration, Mediation, and Poverty Law and Policy Clinics is to enable students to develop the skills necessary to become legal professionals of the highest order: critical thinking, a commitment to excellent practice and service, an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of legal systems and professional rules, and a balance between confidence and humility. Visit our Clinical Legal Education page for more information.
Our Clinics
In the Thomas & Mack Legal Clinic, law students gain practical legal experience representing clients. By design, the Clinic functions as a laboratory for justice. Through training, advocacy, scholarship, and community partnerships, we strive to serve the community and improve the law and law practice.
In the clinic, law students take the lead in handling all aspects of client representation. These responsibilities include developing and maintaining the attorney-client relationship, strategic planning, fact investigation, legal research, drafting and filing documents, and appearing in court.
The Clinic offers several clinics in regular rotation: