A Six-Year-Old in Court

This tweet from Bernstein Fellow Laura Barrera is a good explanation of why the Edward M. Bernstein & Associates Children's Rights Program

Clinic Expresses Concerns that Sen. Heller’s Gang Bill Puts Children in Danger, Invites Him to Meet Gang Victims

The UNLV Immigration Clinic today sent a letter to Sen. Dean Heller expressing concerns about the Criminal Alien Gang Removal Act which he introduced in the U.S. Senate last week. Efforts to combat gang violence must include concern for its victims. The Clinic fears that S. 2380 would send children back to the gangs that terrorize them, and would subject even more innocent people to horrific violence.  It would also allow the Department of Homeland Security to arrest, detain and deport long term legal residents of Nevada who have never been convicted of any crime

The Gift of Freedom

By Steve Bornfeld 

Upon learning what Washington said, his sense of moral obligation called Ed.

"After analyzing Trump's position on

… And Justice for All

Led by a passionate team of student attorneys and staff, the UNLV Immigration Clinic shines rays of hope on young clients in dire need of legal—and emotional—support